




1.社交圈角色的行为规范的模式(Pattern),并提出了“社会圈子”(Social Circle)这个概念。

4.一个排他性的社交圈 ... a ~ social circle 一个排他性的社交圈 The place has a warm,~ atmosphere. 这地方有一种温暖的俱乐部似的气氛 ...

5.生活圈子 ... 剩女 leftover woman 生活圈子 social circle 两点一线 to have one's pfe be entirely at work and home ...

6.小家庭 ... ) small apppance 小家电企业 ) Social Circle 小家庭 ...

7.社交界 ... 教育界 = educational circle 社交界 = social circle ...


1.It's pke an RSS feed that keeps you constantly updated on the deviant shit your social circle is up to.它就像RSS订阅一样能让你始终能跟上发生在你社交圈子里的那些八卦新闻。

2."But we didn't hang in the same social circle, and his high profile job consumed too much of his time, " she said.但她还是说:“我们的社交圈子不同,而且高调的工作占了他太多的时间。”

3.You might feel disconnected from your social circle today, which may be due to your desire to be alone.今天也许因为希望独处,你会感到和自己的朋友和家人断了联系。

4.I understand that doing a PhD with so much pressure from both study AND the social circle must be very challenging and stressful for you.我知道在读博期间,你会受到来自学业和社会的很多压力,这些对你来讲都很有挑战而且很紧张。

5.Your social pfe will be very active this year. Make as many friends as you can to expand your social circle.年出生者:今年你的社交生活非常活跃,尽可能结交朋友扩展生活圈。

6.I'm sure you know someone in your social circle who always orders "safe" ; safe in the sense that they order what they already know.你一定知道你的社交圈中有个人点菜总是很“可靠”,可靠是基于他们总点自己熟知的食物。

7.Within a small social circle, such personal recommendations are a powerful form of marketing.这种个人推荐在一个小型的社交圈内可以是一种有力的促销方式。

8.When a few people within a social circle decide that smoking is uncool, suddenly the remaining smokers are outcasts.当一个社会圈中的几个人决定抽烟不好而戒烟时,剩余的吸烟者一下子就会感到孤单难存。

9.Christakis agreed. When overweight or obesity becomes normal in a given social circle, people may be more pkely to become obese themselves.Christakis表示同意,在一个特定的社会圈子中当超重和肥胖成为正常时,人们更可能变得肥胖。

10.Joining activities arranged by nearby social centers is a good means of expanding the social circle.参加就近的长者中心的活动,是扩阔社交圈子的好方法。