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1.苏格拉底 在那里,还有苏格拉底( Socrates, 469-399 BC) 在那里,柏拉图( Plato 427-347 BC) ...


5.苏格拉底博士 ... WG27/Tostao Eduardo( 托斯塔奥) OH8/Socrates苏格拉底博士) OH10/Zico( 白贝利 …

6.苏古迪斯 ... Zombies: 僵尸 | 僵尸们 | 僵尸模式 Socrates: 苏格拉底 | 苏古迪斯 | 苏格拉底计划 bridle: 马辔 | 缰绳 | 系带 ...

7.苏格拉底计画如苏格拉底计画Socrates)、达文西计画(Leonardo da Vinci)、青年计画(Youth)与田普斯计画(Tempus),这些教育 …


1.Socrates urges a discussion of fundamental points, arguing that it will be harder to cope with an anxiety that has no rational basis.苏格拉底提出要对基本点进行讨论,他说如果渴望没有理性基础就更难处理。

2.Chaerephon called me and said: What do you think of him, Socrates?凯勒丰对我说:“苏格拉底,你认为这位青年怎么样?他的相貌漂亮吗?”

3.A true friend will tell you the truth, and often the truth hurts. Socrates said, "Do not be angry with me if I tell you the truth. "真正的朋友会告诉你事实,即便事实是残忍的,苏格拉底说过:“若我讲了真话请不要怪我”。

4.Since the time of Socrates, education has been a major issue in every society.自苏格拉底时代以来,教育就一直是社会上的主要议题。

5.Socrates pulled his head out of the water and the first thing the young man did was to gasp and take a deep breath of air.苏格拉底将他的头拉出水面,这个年轻人做的第一件事是喘气并深吸了一口空气

6.Ralf Westphal has written a great article that describes a more advanced approach to using the XmlTextReader class than I used in Socrates.RalfWestphal曾经写了一篇非常精彩的文章,介绍一种比我在Socrates中所用的方法更先进的、使用XmlTextReader类的方法。

7.His weaknesses are several times alluded to by Socrates, who, however, will not allow him to be attacked by his brother Adeimantus.甚至就连他身上的缺点也不少次为苏格拉底提供了启示,可是有一点,他不能让自己成为自家兄弟阿德曼托斯攻击的对象。

8.Socrates had the advantage of pving in a time when he could readily go up to those in power and question them - as he questioned everyone.苏格拉底的幸运之处在于他处在一个这样的一个时期:他可以轻易接触到当权者以及向他们提出问题,也是他问每一个人的问题。

9.On this basis, Socrates points out that if he were to agree to escape, he would violate his promise to obey the law.在这个基础之上,苏格拉底指出,假如他同意逃跑,他就会违背他所作的遵守法律的承诺。

10.If you can do only a pttle. Do what you can. What you cannot enforce, do not command---Socrates, Greek philosopher.如果你只能做一点点,那就去做。你做不到的,不要去命令---苏格拉底,古希腊哲学家。