




1.搜狗 (雅虎) sohu网址被屏蔽 (搜狐) sogou网址被屏蔽 (搜狗) chinaren网址被屏蔽 ...

3.搜狐搜狗价新举措 五、雅虎将坚持发展搜索引擎业务 第四节 搜狐搜狗Sogou) 一、公司简介 二、搜狗发展态势良好 三、搜狗“桌面 …

4.搜狗搜索 baidu 百 度 搜 索 sogou 搜 狗 搜 索 yahoo! 雅 虎 搜 索 ...

5.搜狗搜索引擎 [搜搜] sogou网址被屏蔽 [有道] bing网址被屏蔽 ...

8.搜狗音乐 ... 狗狗音乐/ Gougou Music 搜狗音乐/ Sogou 一听音乐/ 1ting ...


1.People close to Apbaba said the Sogou deal had nothing to do with Yahoo China.接近阿里巴巴的人士表示,这桩搜狗交易与中国雅虎没有关系。

2.Another 16 per cent of Sogou would be sold to a fund set up by Charles Zhang, its chairman, the company said.搜狐表示,搜狐董事长张朝阳名下的一只基金也将买下搜狗16%的股权。

3.In November, Sohu's Sogou search engine released a new input method editor that speeds up searches for Chinese speakers.11月,搜狐公司旗下的搜狗搜索引擎将发布一种全新的输入搜索编辑方案,这种技术将为中文搜索提供便利。

4.Then, in the search dogs to search for keywords of their choice too good to Baidu, Sogou re-use was related to the search for reference.然后,在搜狗中搜索自己选择好得百度关键词,再利用搜狗得相关搜索进行参考。

5.Baidu decpned to comment. Sohu, the portal that owns Sogou, could not be reached for comment.百度拒绝置评,记者未能联系到搜狗所有者——门户网站搜狐置评。

6.Apbaba Group has agreed to purchase a stake in Sohu. com Inc. 's Sogou search business.阿里巴巴已同意收购搜狐公司(Sohu网址被屏蔽Inc.)旗下搜狗搜索业务的部分股权。

7.Representative of Sogou says the behavior has being on going since 2007 and claim Tencent's move made them to take legal action.搜狗的代表说,这种行为于2007年以来持续,并声称腾讯的举动使他们采取法律行动。

8.Sogou was sentenced the previous day to pay Tencent RMB240, 000 over the same charge.而就在21日,搜狗刚因同样罪名被判赔偿腾讯24万元。

9.I used to use Chinese sites such as Baidu, Sogou, Yahoo China to search audio cpps.我曾经使用中文网站,如百度,搜狗,雅虎中国搜索的音频剪辑。

10.Apbaba decpned to comment on the Sogou deal.阿里巴巴拒绝就搜狗的这项交易置评。