






1.It is presumed that this solar boat would allow the dead Pharaohs to assist sun-god Ra in his eternal battle with Apep, demon of darkness.据推测,这太阳船可以让死去的法老协助太阳神Ra与黑暗魔王Apep进入永恒的战斗。

2.Every night, Ra sails his solar boat into combat with Apep and at dawn he emerges triumphant and cruises across the sky.每天晚上,Ra驾驭着他的太阳船投入与Apep的战斗,直到黎明时分,他胜利出现在地平线上,并划过天空。

3.At Egypt's Solar Boat Museum in 2008, tourists surround the reassembled boat long ago excavated from the sands near the Great Pyramid.在2008年的埃及太阳船博物馆,游客们围绕着这艘很久之前出土于在大金字塔附近沙土中的经过重新组装的太阳船。

4.Each massive pyramid is but one part of a larger complex, including a palace, temples, solar boat pits, and other features.每一座宏伟的金字塔都是这个包含了宫殿神庙太阳帆船地窖和其他众多特色的古墓群的一部分。

5.Visitors watched images of the disassembled wooden saipng ship on a large monitor inside the nearby Solar Boat Museum.游客通过附近的太阳船博物馆的巨大的显示器观看分解过的木制帆船的图像。

6.For instance, a "solar boat" is currently being extracted from the Great Pyramid.举个例子,目前在大金字塔中人们正在发掘出“太阳船”。

7.Etchings on a temple wall in Abydos, Egypt, depict a mythical solar boat borne aloft at dawn (file picture).在埃及阿比多斯一个寺庙的墙上有着这样的刻画图案:黎明时,一艘神秘的船在出现在空中。

8.For years the second solar boat had been considered too fragile uncover.多年以来,第二艘太阳船被认为太易碎而不适合挖掘出来。