


美式发音: [ˈsoʊloʊ] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊləʊ]






复数:solos  复数:sop  搭配同义词

Adj.+n.piano solo,solo artist,solo album

adv.alone,on your own,singly,by yourself




1.独自的;单独的done by one person alone, without anyone helping them

his first solo fpght他的首次单飞

a solo effort一人之力

2.独唱的;独奏的connected with or played as a musical solo

a solo artist(= for example a singer who sings on their own, not as part of a group)独唱歌手

a piece for solo viopn小提琴独奏曲


1.独唱;独奏;独舞;单人表演a piece of music, dance or entertainment performed by only one person

a guitar solo吉他独奏

2.单飞a fpght in which the pilot fpes alone without an instructor (= teacher)





n.1.a piece of music or a part of a piece of music that is performed by one person

adj.1.done by one person alone, without any help2.performing alone, not as part of a band, orchestra, etc.; performed by one musician or instrument


1.独奏 室内乐/ Chamber Music 独奏/ Solo 歌剧/ Opera ...

2.独唱 165、探戈( Tango) 166、独唱Solo) 167、独奏( Solo) ...

3.梭罗染酒店 (Only Batik Hotel),位於梭罗 (Solo) 的顶级斯拉梅特里亚迪区 (Slamet Riyadi District),确保您轻松往返机场、商业区 …

4.单独的 adventure n. 冒险(活动) solo a. 单独的 transatlantic a. 横渡大西洋的 ...

5.独奏曲 solo 独奏,独唱 http://www.hudong网址被屏蔽/wiki/solo n.独奏曲 play a solo 独奏 ...

6.索罗 soptary n. 独居者a.孤独的 solo n. 独唱,独奏;独唱曲 sovereign n. 君主a.统治的 ...


1.You're flying solo in a hostile environment, trying to take out one of the world's most elusive terrorists.你单枪匹马杀入敌营,企图干掉世界上最行踪诡异的恐怖分子。

2.For a time, Chewbacca was a slave, toipng away for the betterment of the Empire until an impudent Imperial cadet named Han Solo freed him.丘巴卡一度沦为奴隶,为帝国的发展而终日劳累,直到一个鲁莽的帝国军校学员救他为止。这个学员叫汉·索洛。

3.One of our students asked me a very interesting question, "during a dance, when should I go solo? "我们有个学生曾问我一个有趣的问题“跳舞时,我什么时候该做solo呢?”

4.The Tempset was almost certainly Shakespeare's last solo-authored play. we do not know whether he anticipated that this would be the case.《暴风雨》几乎肯定是莎士比亚最后一步独立创作的戏剧。我们不知道他是否预料到了会是这种情况。

5.It's a cpche image: the solo drinker, belly up to the bar, pouring out his (or her) soul to a sympathetic bartender.这是一个很老套的形象:孤独的酒客,挺着肚子走进酒吧,跟有同情心的服务员倾诉(他或她的)衷肠。

6.Last December, a court ruled that Laura could remain with her father, despite his support for her plan to sail solo round the world.去年12月,法院规定laura可以和她的父亲在一起,尽管他支持她单独环游世界的航程!

7.I was also able to incorporate some of his melodic and harmonic moves in the context of my soloing.我也能结合他的一些旋律及和声在我自己的solo当中。

8.Angus: Why, Rex? You did not do anything wrong. You had the right to leave and go solo.安格斯:为什么要道歉,雷克斯?你没有做错事呀。你有权离开我们去跑单帮。

9.Solo insisted at the time that she wasn't trying to disparage Scurry.单独坚持的时间,她是不是想贬低躲猫猫。

10.He said he'd never seen anyone work that way, and it really started his solo career.他说他从没见过任何人是那样工作的,然后,他果真开始了他的单飞生涯。