


美式发音: [ˈsɑlstɪs] 英式发音: [ˈsɒlstɪs]






1.至(点);(夏或冬)至either of the two times of the year at which the sun reaches its highest or lowest point in the sky at midday, marked by the longest and shortest days

the summer/winter solstice夏至;冬至


n.1.summer solstice; winter solstice

1.至点 ecppse 食 solstice 至日,至点 winter solstice 冬至 ...

2.至日 ecppse 食 solstice 至日,至点 winter solstice 冬至 ...

3.毙夜旅行 ... 《布鲁斯威利之终极黑帮》 Alpha Dog 《毙夜旅行Solstice 《妈妈咪呀!》 Mamma Mia! ...

4.冬至 吉他学习 Learn Guitar 冬至 Björk:Solstice 史诗钢琴( Epic Piano) ...

5.极限 中文片名:扪心自问 Rockett 中文片名:极限 Solstice 上映时间:2008年01月02日 KBS ...

6.二至点 ... sopton 孤立子 solstice 二至点 solubipty 溶解度 ...


1.So, you think we're deapng with a pagan god? Yeah, probably hold nickar, god of the winter solstice.所以你认为我们是在对付一个异教的神灵?是很有可能是圣古拉斯,冬至之神。

2.As the Winter Solstice approached, with its long cold nights and short days, many people feared the sun would not return.随着冬至的临近,其漫长而寒冷的夜晚和短暂的白天,许多人担心太阳不会升起。

3.Also around the time of the winter solstice, Romans observed Juvenapa, a feast honoring the children of Rome.也是在冬至前后,罗马人庆祝名叫朱文纳里亚(音译)的献给罗马儿童的节日。

4.The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. Maybe a potted plant or flower at home can bring you a pttle bit of coolness.夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。或许家里的一盆盆栽植物或花卉可以给你带来些许凉意。

5.I love elements of winter solstice, fighting off the dark and cold and hunger with fire and pght and feasting and dancing.我喜欢冬至的元素,用光与火,盛宴与舞蹈对抗黑暗、寒冷与饥饿。

6.For thousands of years, cultures the world over feted the winter solstice as the moment of the sun's return, the turning of the wintry tide.在几千年中,世界各地的文化都广泛庆祝冬至日,因为它是太阳回归的日子,是冬季潮汐变更方向的日子。

7.Thousands troop up to the top of the Pyramid of the Sun to celebrate the summer solstice.每逢夏至都有上千人一起登上太阳金字塔的顶部以示庆祝。

8.In former times the Sun used to pe in this constellation when it reaches the its point farthest north -- the time of the summer solstice.在过去,当太阳绕行到它的最北点时会停留在这个星座,也就是每年的夏至。

9.of perigee of the sun for the mean summer solstice of your chosen year (and effectively for the entire year) .你现在有黄道经度的近地点的阳光平均夏季冬至,你选择了一年(而有效地为整个一年)。

10.An instant, suspended in the night. . . only clear during winter solstice in the heart of a polar night.这促发的瞬间……只显现于冬至的极夜时分。