




1.泼水节 http://fb.me/w9640tRW Chok四海为家 ‏ @ ChokTravel 8 Mar Similan... http://fb.me/1...

4.泼水节也称宋干节 ... 17.美食天堂 Tom Yum Kung,Phat Thai & Cooking 18.泰国节庆 Songkran & Loi Krathong Festival 1.巴士( B…


1.The date is usually the Saturday nearest the last full moon before the April Thai New Year (Songkran).通常该节日都会安排在4月新年(泼水节)前的第一个满月。

2.today's Songkran, With the large number of tourists the "invasion" has been out-and-out and turned into a war. weapon has been upgraded.今天的泼水节,随着大批旅游者的“入侵”,已经彻头彻尾地演变成一场战争了。武器已经升级。

3.Out of all the many colorful festivals celebrated in Thailand, perhaps the most famous is the New Year festival of Songkran.泰国的许多热闹庆典中,最有名的大概就属充满活力的新年泼水节了。

4.The Thai New Year, or Songkran, began Monday and is traditionally a multi-day celebration in the country.泰国新年或者泼水节,从周一开始,在该国传统地要庆祝几天。

5.Like most New Year's festivals, Songkran is a time to relax with your friends and family, visit temples, and make New Year's.和多数新年节庆一样,泼水节适合和亲朋好友共度,去庙里拜拜,许一许新年愿望。

6.It will waste a certain amount of water with any ways to do with the Songkran Festival.无论用哪一种方式,泼水节,都是需要浪费一定量的水。

7.Aff, has Songkran ever ask you for hints on ways to impress your dad?宋干是否让你叫他如何给你父亲留下好印象?

8.Songkran is the Dai New Year, the equivalent of the Gregorian calendar in mid-April, usually last 3 to 7 days.泼水节是傣族的新年,相当于公历的四月中旬,一般持续3至7天。

9.Lydia: No, the Loi Krathong Festival is the second largest event after the SongKran Festival!不,水灯节是仅次于泼水节第二大的节庆喔!

10.Songkran also carried out during the dragon boat race.泼水节期间还要进行划龙舟比赛。