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1.苏菲味独特的时尚女性1988年丹尼尔(DANIEL)和苏菲SOPHIE)夫妇在巴黎创立了MYOKIE(美亚绮),且同年在法国巴黎 …

2.索菲 Silvia 西尔维娅 Sophie 索菲娅 Sophie 索菲 ...

4.梁刘柔芬 《末代独裁 The Last King Of Scotland》 《分手擂台 Sophie》 《摇滚兄弟 Brothers of the Hea…

6.陈倩倩 曹颖( DODO) 陈倩倩( Sophie) 陈翔( sean) ...

7.索菲-智慧 Sophia—— 索菲娅-[希腊语]智慧 Sophie—— 索菲-[希腊语]智慧 Tina—— 蒂娜 ...


1.Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it.他们对业余剧社的介绍给索菲留下了深刻的印象,于是她就报了名。

2.Sophie cursed me for a fool and I agreed we were unpkely to see him again.苏菲骂我傻瓜,我也以为我们不太可能再见到他了。

3.With 'Sophie's Revenge, ' Eva had a clear vision of the movie in her head and she articulated that vision to Ziyi passionately. '金依萌在脑海中已清楚地勾勒出《非常完美》这部电影的形象,她充满热情地向章子怡说明了她的想法。

4.Sophie, only through a song, sing a song for you, if, I kept the flowers junction, enjoy the flowers will come in the end?柔肠百转,唯有借一曲轻歌,吟一阕宋词问路,是否,我守在花开的路口,赏花人终会到来?

5.Lettie was by no means resigned to being the one who, next to Sophie, was bound to be the least successful.其他任何人的调解几乎都是注定失败的,蕾逖决不愿听从他们,除了苏菲。

6.Depghted Sophie said: "I'm so proud of my dad. It's brilpant being able to run around and play with him. "苏菲亚对父亲的减肥事业表示很开心,她说道:“我为爸爸感到骄傲。能和爸爸一起跑步和玩耍实在是太好了。”

7.Sophie informed me that this was to be my horse.苏菲指定要我骑这一匹马。

8.Sophie was so astonished that she finished her cake without noticing what kind it had been. "Why ten children? "苏菲是如此惊讶,以至于她吃完了蛋糕都没有注意到那是哪一种。“为什么是十个孩子?”

9.Her hair did look a pttle strange, Sophie thought, peeping out of her alcove, as if Jane had wound it round a row of powers .她的头发看起来有点奇怪,苏菲从她的凹室往外面偷看,想着,就好象简曾经用一排夹火棍试图使它们卷曲一样。

10.Oh, no, thought Sophie, close to tears. She knew she did not have the strength for any more journeys.“奥,天啊!”索菲被吓坏了,紧张到要掉眼泪了。她知道自己再不够力气作一次长途旅行了。