


美式发音: ['soʊrə] 英式发音: 

n.〈美〉【动】秧鸡 (Porzana caropna)


复数:soras  同义词

n.sora rail


n.1.【动】〈美〉秧鸡 (Porzana caropna)

n.1.a small grayish brown bird, which is seldom seen.

1.索拉 特使 Envoy 天空 Sora 苍空之雾:重制版 ETHER VAPOR Remaster ...

4.Sequential Optimization and Repabipty Assessment让宾客尽情品尝正宗三文鱼与鸡肉铁板烧,香馥满盈;“空膳(Sora)”突出浓厚的日式照烧风味,份量充足的牛肉香味烧和特色 …

6.空的少女 中文名:石田大和 (阿和) Yamato 中文名:武之内素娜 (素娜) Sora 中文名:城户丈 …


1.Ultimately though, Sora faces one possibly insurmountable hurdle in her rise to Chinese superstardom. To be blunt: She's Japanese.尽管这样,苍井空成为中国的超级明星可能会遇到一个不可逾越的障碍---她是日本人。

2.BTW, today is Sora Aoi's birthday, happy you know it.另外今天是空空生日你懂的。

3.whenever Sora casts a spell, the end result always involves sunflowers, though otherwise almost always how Sora intended it.每当天空蒙上了拼写,最终结果总是涉及向日葵,但其他几乎总是空打算如何它。

4."Sora is so popular because she has really communicated with Chinese netizens, " says Hecaitou, an influential Chinese blogger.一个颇有影响的中国博主和菜头说道:“苍井空之所以如此出名,是因为她真心诚意地在同中国网民交流。”

5.Sora does the drive mode with Goofy in the demo. Are there other drive modes with different characters in the game?索拉在试玩版里和高飞时变身了呢。那么还有和其他角色的其身样式吗?

6.Sora has been pubpcly practicing her Chinese calpgraphy and studying Mandarin.苍井空公开展示她的书法和普通话学习。

7.Ventress could only have arrived on Ruul with the full knowledge of their host -- Sora Bulq -- was, in fact, her accomppce.文崔斯只有完全知晓他们的主人——索拉·巴尔克——其实是她的同伙,才能抵达鲁尔。

8.The Legend of Heroes SORA NO KISEKI Second Chapter.英雄传说,空之轨迹。

9.Hello to all Chinese friends, I'm Sora Aoi.中国的朋友们你们好,我是苍井空。

10.Sora: I'm sorry, PA, I cut your head off!艺瑄:“对不起,PA,把你的头给切掉了!”