


美式发音: [ˈsɔrp] 英式发音: [ˈsɔː(r)p]




adv.not at all

adv.deeply,truly,greatly,very much,really



1.严重地;非常seriously; very much

I was sorely tempted to complain, but I didn't.我极想发牢骚,但还是没开口。

If you don't come to the reunion you'll be sorely missed .你要是不来参加团聚,大家会非常想念你的。


adv.1.very much, used for emphasizing how much you feel a particular emotion

1.非常 folk 人们,大伙儿 sorely 严重,非常 marginapze 使边缘化 ...

2.痛苦地 ... v. 反叛,造反 sorely 痛苦地,严厉地,非常 n. 宽宏大量,慷慨大方 ...

3.强烈地 send him about his business 把他赶出去 sorely 强烈地 as if 好象 ...

4.剧烈地 ... mourn 哀悼 sorely 剧烈地,痛苦地 fortnight 两星期 ...

5.疼痛地 使疼痛 to ail 疼痛地 sorely 大便疼痛 dyschizia ...

6.迫切地 ... sustenance 食物;营养物 sorely 迫切地;极其;非常 wed 密切结合 ...

7.痛苦的 ... (scarcely, 刚刚), (sorely痛苦的); (formerly, 从前) ...


1.The Fringser was to be sorely missed in the Italy match - especially because he took the defensive work so seriously.缺席对意大利的比赛弗林斯很痛苦。尤其因为他在防守中起着至关重要的作用。

2.He was a fine man, an excellent justice, and a sorely needed moderate voice on the Rehnquist Court.哈里是个不错的人,也是位非常优秀的法官,是伦奎斯特法院中迫切需要的一位温和派法官。

3.the graphics are beautiful but the content is sorely lacking. it gives me the impression that the DOT people do not know their own country.图画设计很好,但却没有内容,让我感觉观光局不瞭解自己的国家,我国有许多美景,却完全只字未提。

4.It's a good thing God doesn't let you look a year or two into the future, or you might be sorely tempted to shoot yourself.上帝不让你看到一两年后的事情,这是好事,要不然,你可能非开枪自杀不可。

5.Those upstanding arteries and that sorely tried heart would not enable him to gather strength in the intervals between the rounds.那些突出的动脉和那颗疲劳已极的心脏使得不能在两个回合之间的休息里重振威力。

6.South Africa, which had a rash of blackouts in 2008 and imports electricity from its neighbours, sorely needs more generating capacity.2008年,南非曾发生了一连串的断电事故,而平时得从邻国进口电力,迫切需要增加更多的发电量。

7.My father did not swear. He was a man of honor and competence and humor, and he was the parent I sorely wanted to please.我爸爸绝不会讲脏话,他名声好,既有能力又很幽默,是我想方设法要取悦的家长。

8.Historian and activist Howard Zinn died a pttle over a year ago, and his voice is sorely missed.一年前历史学家、激进主义者霍华德.金恩去逝,他的声音依然触痛着我们。

9.He took his way through the great wood, weeping sorely.他伤心地哭着穿过大树林。

10.What the Python of a year ago sorely lacked was a sufficient programmatic infrastructure for sharing Python code.一年前的Python极度缺乏的是用来共享Python代码的充分规划的基础结构。