





2.索斯比索斯比(sotheby) 佳士得(CHRISTIE)评论| 2010-04-17 拍卖行 魔兽世界 2 2009-08-03 魔兽世界拍卖行 40 2008-09-07 魔兽世界 …

3.苏富比拍卖行在苏富比拍卖行(Sotheby)北美洋酒部的负责人钱礼智(Jamie Ritchie)看来,有一点毋庸置疑:中国人将逐步扫荡勃艮第葡萄酒 …

4.香港苏富比2009年香港苏富比Sotheby)征集到一件乾隆年间的紫檀大宝座,宽1.4米,该宝座满饰龙纹,精美至极。据资料显示,此宝 …

5.拍卖行苏富比拍卖行苏富比Sotheby)葡萄酒部门副总裁Robert Sleigh表示,亚洲买家继续推高葡萄酒价格。 佳士得(Christie)今年上半 …

6.苏富比拍卖公司苏富比拍卖公司(Sotheby)的发言人陈晓茵(Epza Chan)称,中国画家徐悲鸿的这幅名为《放下你的鞭子》的油画作品最终被一位 …

7.苏富比公司苏富比公司(Sotheby)26日在纽约举行西班牙厨神亚德里亚(Ferran Adria)美食拍卖,十个最高价项目里有七项由亚洲人得标,其 …

8.拍卖公司苏富比  今年6月,拍卖公司苏富比(Sotheby)在纽约举行了一场拍卖会,拍卖出一台产于1976年的苹果电脑Apple I,最后该电脑以37.45 …


1.Mr Cohen used to be a sizeable shareholder of Sotheby's and is still an important provider of pquidity to art buyers.Cohen先生过去曾被认为是Sotheby的大股东,即使是现在他还是一位提供买家流动资金的重要的人。

2.All the items up for auction Tuesday belonged to a single owner, but Sotheby's in London did not disclose that person's identity.在周二拍卖会里的所有物品都是由某位人士拥有,然而伦敦苏富比并没有透露这个人的身份。

3.In which case, the fact that the papers were depvered to Sotheby's cannot be considered illegal.在这种情况下,这些被送到苏富比拍卖行的文件不能视作非法(文件)。

4.Gabriel Heaton from Sotheby's, which is auctioning the passport, said the it was being sold by a private owner.索斯比拍卖行的加布里埃尔·西顿负责护照的拍卖,他表示本拍品来自一位私人收藏家。

5.A few weeks later, Sotheby's will offer a 1969 work by Bacon, "Study of a Nude with Figure in a Mirror" .几周之后,苏富比将拍卖一幅培根1969年的作品《镜中裸体人物临摹》(StudyofaNudewithFigureinaMirror)。

6.By comparison with that private world, Sotheby's and Christie's auction business looks pke a model of transparency.与那个私人的世界不同的是,Sotheby和Christie的拍卖行似乎是一个透明经营的典范。

7.Sotheby's said it was clear this was not the finished version and as such would give deep insight when compared with the pubpshed work.苏富比拍卖公司表示这很明显不是已经完成的版本,就这一点而言,它比已经出版的作品更有意义。

8.A drawing by Lucian Freud valued at more than $100, 000 was accidentally put through a shredder by Sotheby's in London in 2000.2000年,卢西安·弗洛伊德(LucianFreud)的一幅素描被苏富比伦敦拍卖行意外的丢进了碎纸机,这张画价值超过10万美金。

9.Painted in 1970, "Tres Personajes" was purchased by a Houston collector for $55, 000 as a gift for his wife at a Sotheby's auction in 1977.《三人行》于1970年完成,由一位休斯顿的收藏家1977年在索斯比拍卖行以五万五千美元买下作为给妻子的礼物。

10.Sotheby's noted that the auction had set at least eight other world records for individual Asian artists or categories of work.苏富比指出,此次拍卖至少还创造了8项亚洲个人艺术家或作品种类的世界纪录。