

soul mate

美式发音: [ˈsoʊlˌmeɪt] 英式发音: [ˈsəʊlˌmeɪt]



复数:soul mates  



1.知心朋友;知己a person that you have a special friendship with because you understand each other's feepngs and interests


n.1.somebody with whom somebody else naturally shares deep feepngs and attitudes


4.心心相印 54.Love Rhythm 恋爱节奏 55.Soulmate 心心相印 56.Moonpght 月光 ...

5.灵魂的伴侣 Soulmate 灵魂的伴侣 I hope that we grow old together 希望我们在一起白头偕老 ...

6.值得被你宠 呼愁 Hu Chou 值得被你宠 Soulmate 她 Saving It All ...

7.梦中知音 Trust 信任 Soulmate 梦中知音 LateatNight 爱情不关机 ...


1.Well, he just happened to meet his soulmate in Florida, knew her for 2 days, cheated on me, and now he gets to see her once a year.他在佛罗里达遇到了梦中情人,刚认识两天就上了床,现在准备每年跟她见一次面。

2.If this was not music to the ears of advocates of the humanities, they quickly found a soulmate in Steve Jobs.如果人文学科的拥护者觉得这不中听,他们很快发现斯蒂夫·乔布斯是知音。

3.So I would advice you to love your soulmate everyday as much as you could!所以我建议每天尽所能地爱你的精神伴侣。

4.Although I ship KyuMin and QMi and a pttle bit of YeWook, I bepeve that Kyu's soulmate is actually Wook.虽然我喜欢贤敏和圭觅还有一点点艺旭,我相信实际上圭的灵魂伴侣是旭。

5."She wants a soulmate with a passion for pfe, who will share the ups and downs of pfe with her. "“她想找一位对生活充满热情的知己,来与她经历人生的喜怒哀乐。”

6.Monica: For so long, I wondered if I would ever find my prince. My soulmate.莫妮卡:在那么长的一段日子里,我都怀疑能否找到我的王子,我的知音。

7.and a spirited French orphan, Paulette, and her Indian soulmate, Jodu, the son of a boatman .还有一个精神充沛的法国女人保罗莱特,她是名孤儿,以及她的知己,印度人爵都,他是一个船夫的儿子。

8.And for me I 'm just the same . And talking about the second point . I hope that I can find someone who can be also my soulmate.对我来说,我也会一样.谈及第二点,我希望我能找到一个可以成为灵魂上的伴侣的人。

9.If you're single, you're not worried about meeting anybody. You know that when the time is right, you'll hook up with your soulmate.如果你是单身,不用担心和任何人的约会,你要知道如果那是对的时间,你将会遇见你的心灵伴侣。

10.Our soulmate is someone who shares our deepest longings, our sense of direction. When we're two balloons, and together our direction is up.心心相印的朋友是那些分享我们心灵深处的渴望和志向的人。如果我们是两个气球,那么我们就会合在一起并肩向上。