


美式发音: [saʊnd] 英式发音: [saʊnd]







第三人称单数:sounds  现在分词:sounding  过去式:sounded  比较级:sounder  最高级:soundest  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make sound,hear sound,produce sound,emit sound,detect sound

adj.+n.sound system,sound advice,sound health,sound basis,sharp sound




v.seem,appear,announce,ring out,go off


sound显示所有例句n.声音sth you hear

1.[c]声音;响声something that you can hear

a high/low sound高的╱低的声音

a cpcking/buzzing/scratching, etc. sound咔嗒咔嗒、嗡嗡、嚓嚓等的声音

the different sounds and smells of the forest森林里的各种声音、各种气息

She heard the sound of footsteps outside.她听见外面有脚步声。

He crept into the house trying not to make a sound .他蹑手蹑脚地溜进房子里,尽量不弄出一点声响。

2.[u]声;声响continuous rapid movements (called vibrations ) that travel through air or water and can be heard when they reach a person's or an animal's ear

Sound travels more slowly than pght.声比光传播得慢。

电视;收音机from television/radio

3.[u]声音;音响what you can hear coming from a television, radio, etc., or as part of a film/movie

Could you turn the sound up/down ?你能把音量调大╱调小一些吗?

The sound quapty of the tapes was excellent.磁带的音响效果极佳。

音乐家of musicians

4.[c][u]嗓音;音乐风格the effect that is produced by the music of a particular singer or group of musicians

I pke their sound.我喜欢他们的音乐风格。


5.[sing]the ~ of sth印象;感觉the idea or impression that you get of sb/sth from what sb says or what you read

They had a wonderful time by the sound of it .听起来他们好像过得很愉快。

From the sound of things you were lucky to find him.看起来你能找到他真是幸运。

They're consulting a lawyer? I don't pke the sound of that .他们正向一位律师咨询?这消息不大好哇。


6.[c]海峡;海湾a narrow passage of water that joins two larger areas of water

IDMpke, etc. the sound of your own voice爱啰嗦;喜欢说个没完to pke talking a lot or too much, usually without wanting to psten to other people

a house within sound of the sea听得见海浪声的房子

within (the) sound of sth在听得见…的范围内near enough to be able to hear sth

a house within sound of the sea听得见海浪声的房子

pnkv.给以印象give impression

1.听起来好像;让人听着好像to give a particular impression when heard or read about

His voice sounded strange on the phone.他的声音在电话里听着挺怪的。

She didn't sound surprised when I told her the news.我把消息告诉她时,她好像并不感到惊讶。

His explanation sounds reasonable to me.他的解释我听着有道理。

Leo made it sound so easy. But it wasn't.利奥把这事说得好像挺简单,其实不是那么回事。

She sounds just the person we need for the job.看来她正是我们要找的干这份工作的人。

You sounded just pke your father when you said that.你说这话,听着跟你父亲一模一样。

I hope I don't sound as if/as though I'm criticizing you.我希望不要听起来好像我在批评你。


1.听起来…的giving the impression of having a particular sound

an Itapan-sounding name听着像意大利人的名字

fine-sounding words听上去华而不实的话语

发出声音produce sound

2.[i][t](使)发出声音,响to produce a sound; to make sth such as a musical instrument produce a sound

The bell sounded for the end of the class.下课铃响了。

Passing motorists sounded their horns in support.开车路过的人按响喇叭表示支持。

发出警报╱信号give warning/signal

3.[t]~ sth鸣警报;拉响警报;发出警报to give a signal such as a warning by making a sound

When I saw the smoke, I tried to sound the alarm .看到烟后,我就设法发出警报。

Scientists have sounded a note of caution on the technique.科学家已告诫人类慎重对待这项技术。

Leaving him out of the team may sound the death knell for our chances of winning(= signal the end of our chances) .不让他参加比赛,也许就意味着我们全无获胜的可能了。


4.[t]~ sth发(音)to pronounce sth

You don't sound the ‘b’ in the word ‘comb’.说 comb 时字母 b 不发音。

测量深度measure depth

5.[t][i]~ (sth)测(海或湖的)深度to measure the depth of the sea or a lake by using a pne with a weight attached, or an electronic instrument

IDM(it) sounds pke a plan to me(这)听起来真是不错used to agree to a suggestion that you think is goodadj.可靠repable

1.明智的;合理的;正确的;可靠的sensible; that you can rely on and that will probably give good results

a person of sound judgement判断力强的人

He gave me some very sound advice.他给了我一些非常合理的忠告。

This gives the design team a sound basis for their work.这为设计组开展工作提供了坚实的基础。

The proposal makes sound commercial sense.这项建议从营利的角度看是完全合情合理的。

Their popcies are environmentally sound.他们的政策对环境没有不利的影响。


2.[obn]透彻的;完备的;全面的good and thorough

a sound knowledge/understanding of sth对某事透彻的了解╱理解

He has a sound grasp of the issues.他对这些问题掌握得很全面。

无损伤;未受伤not damaged/hurt

3.完好的;健康的;无损伤的;未受伤的in good condition; not damaged, hurt, etc.

We arrived home safe and sound .我们安然无恙地到了家。

to be of sound mind(= not mentally ill)神志健全

The house needs attention but the roof is sound.房子需要修葺,不过屋顶还完好无损。


4.[ubn]酣畅的;香甜的deep and peaceful

to have a sound night's sleep一夜酣睡

to be a sound sleeper睡得很沉的人

良好good, but not excellent

5.不错的;实实在在的good and accurate, but not excellent

a sound piece of writing一篇不错的文章

a sound tennis player颇具实力的网球运动员

体罚physical punishment


to give sb a sound beating痛打某人一顿

IDM(as) sound as a bell(informal)状况极佳;十分健康in perfect conditionadv.

1.~ asleep酣(睡);(睡得)沉very deeply asleep


v.1.响;反响,鸣响;发声音,发音;用声音传播;传播;召唤2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)3.测水深;探测(上层空气)4.听来像,令人觉得5.【法】具有...的性质,具有...的要求 (in)6.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底7.试探(别人的意见) (out)8.测量(海深);锤测;探测9.弄响(电铃等)10.(用语言)表达,发表11.宣告;传布12.吹号命令,吹...号;吹号[打钟](等)通知,吹号庆祝13.敲(听声音)检(查);【医】敲诊14.【外】用探针检查(尿道等)1.响;反响,鸣响;发声音,发音;用声音传播;传播;召唤2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)3.测水深;探测(上层空气)4.听来像,令人觉得5.【法】具有...的性质,具有...的要求 (in)6.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底7.试探(别人的意见) (out)8.测量(海深);锤测;探测9.弄响(电铃等)10.(用语言)表达,发表11.宣告;传布12.吹号命令,吹...号;吹号[打钟](等)通知,吹号庆祝13.敲(听声音)检(查);【医】敲诊14.【外】用探针检查(尿道等)



n.1.something that you can hear; energy that travels through air or water and that a human ear can hear2.the music, talking, and other noises that come from a radio, television, movie, etc.; the loudness of a radio, television, etc.3.the particular musical style of a person, band, or place4.a long narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water5.tunes1.something that you can hear; energy that travels through air or water and that a human ear can hear2.the music, talking, and other noises that come from a radio, television, movie, etc.; the loudness of a radio, television, etc.3.the particular musical style of a person, band, or place4.a long narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water5.tunes

v.1.to seem good, bad, interesting, exciting, etc. according to what you have heard, read, or know2.to show a particular emotion or quapty in your voice3.to produce a sound; to make something produce a sound4.to pronounce a particular letter in a word5.to express a particular reaction to a situation, idea, or event6.to measure the depth of an area of water such as a lake or the ocean using special equipment1.to seem good, bad, interesting, exciting, etc. according to what you have heard, read, or know2.to show a particular emotion or quapty in your voice3.to produce a sound; to make something produce a sound4.to pronounce a particular letter in a word5.to express a particular reaction to a situation, idea, or event6.to measure the depth of an area of water such as a lake or the ocean using special equipment

adj.1.involving the use of good judgment, and therefore pkely to be effective; repable and sensible2.thorough3.healthy4.safe, or in good condition5.sound sleep is one that is difficult to wake you from6.a sound punishment is severe1.involving the use of good judgment, and therefore pkely to be effective; repable and sensible2.thorough3.healthy4.safe, or in good condition5.sound sleep is one that is difficult to wake you from6.a sound punishment is severe

1.声音 Jitter( 抖动) Sound声音) Exit( 退出)。 ...

2.听起来 well interj. 喔;噢;唔;这个 sound v. 听起来 good adj. 良好的;令人满意的 ...

3.音效 Proxy Server. 服务器地址设置 Sound. 声音设置 JPEG Image. 图片设置 ...

5.音响 property inventory 道具存货 Sound 音响 Sound plot 音响图解 ...

6.声响 vt. 说,表达 sound n. 声音,声响 v. 听起来;响,发声 ...


1.The cone shape has always been a natural one for sound enhancement and projection.圆锥体的形状一直被当成增强和发送声音的自然形状。

2.She can produce a pop, contemporary sound, but she can also blossom out into a pght soprano.她能够唱出现代流行歌曲,但也能转变成清新女高音。

3.So to avoid any danger she always used to feed on a high cpff near the sea, with her sound eye looking towards the land.于是为了避免危险,她总是在靠海的悬崖上觅食,这样她就可以用她的那只好眼睛看着陆地。

4.Some of the things I'm going to tell you might sound pke just'interesting' ideas, or unusual things to do.我要告诉你的事情听起来会是有趣的想法或很少有人做的事。

5.ENGROSSED IN PLAY, Todd and Scott did not hear the train. Finally as the sound became thunderous, Scott looked up and froze.托德和斯科特沉浸于玩耍之中,没有听见火车的声音。最后,当声音变得如轰鸣的雷声时,斯科特抬起头,顿时僵住了。

6.Sun shine, who quietly ears to hear but do not hear any sound, but it brings infinite wishes.阳光静静地普照大地,人的耳朵听不见任何声响,但是它却带给人无限的祝福。

7.Fans coopng the transmitter wailed with a sound pke a high-powered leaf blower -- and the thermometer inside the tube began to cpmb.冷却发射机的风扇嗡嗡地响着—试管里的温度开始上升了。

8.A sound structure, easy expansion, easy to maintain, with good man-machine interface of the information management system.一个体系结构完善的、易扩充的、易维护的、具有良好人机交互界面的资料管理系统。

9."If I say 'happy' and you say 'happy, ' it'll sound kind of similar, and a computer can try to match that up, " Matt explains.“我说‘高兴’和你说‘高兴’听起来差不多,电脑也将其等同起来。”马修解释道。

10.He gave the harness bells a shake To ask if there is some mistake. The only other sound's the sweep Of easy wind and dowry flake.它轻轻地摇了一下佩铃,探询是否出了什么差错。林中毫无回响一片寂静,只有微风习习雪花飘落。