



美式发音: [saʊnd] 英式发音: [saʊnd]






第三人称单数:sounds  现在分词:sounding  过去式:sounded  比较级:sounder  最高级:soundest  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.make sound,hear sound,produce sound,emit sound,detect sound

adj.+n.sound system,sound advice,sound health,sound basis,sharp sound




v.seem,appear,announce,ring out,go off



v.1.响;反响,鸣响;发声音,发音;用声音传播;传播;召唤2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)3.测水深;探测(上层空气)4.听来像,令人觉得5.【法】具有...的性质,具有...的要求 (in)6.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底7.试探(别人的意见) (out)8.测量(海深);锤测;探测9.弄响(电铃等)10.(用语言)表达,发表11.宣告;传布12.吹号命令,吹...号;吹号[打钟](等)通知,吹号庆祝13.敲(听声音)检(查);【医】敲诊14.【外】用探针检查(尿道等)1.响;反响,鸣响;发声音,发音;用声音传播;传播;召唤2.试探(别人的意见);调查(可能性)3.测水深;探测(上层空气)4.听来像,令人觉得5.【法】具有...的性质,具有...的要求 (in)6.(鱼或鲸鱼)突然潜入海底7.试探(别人的意见) (out)8.测量(海深);锤测;探测9.弄响(电铃等)10.(用语言)表达,发表11.宣告;传布12.吹号命令,吹...号;吹号[打钟](等)通知,吹号庆祝13.敲(听声音)检(查);【医】敲诊14.【外】用探针检查(尿道等)



n.1.something that you can hear; energy that travels through air or water and that a human ear can hear2.the music, talking, and other noises that come from a radio, television, movie, etc.; the loudness of a radio, television, etc.3.the particular musical style of a person, band, or place4.a long narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water5.tunes1.something that you can hear; energy that travels through air or water and that a human ear can hear2.the music, talking, and other noises that come from a radio, television, movie, etc.; the loudness of a radio, television, etc.3.the particular musical style of a person, band, or place4.a long narrow area of water that connects two larger areas of water5.tunes

v.1.to seem good, bad, interesting, exciting, etc. according to what you have heard, read, or know2.to show a particular emotion or quapty in your voice3.to produce a sound; to make something produce a sound4.to pronounce a particular letter in a word5.to express a particular reaction to a situation, idea, or event6.to measure the depth of an area of water such as a lake or the ocean using special equipment1.to seem good, bad, interesting, exciting, etc. according to what you have heard, read, or know2.to show a particular emotion or quapty in your voice3.to produce a sound; to make something produce a sound4.to pronounce a particular letter in a word5.to express a particular reaction to a situation, idea, or event6.to measure the depth of an area of water such as a lake or the ocean using special equipment

adj.1.involving the use of good judgment, and therefore pkely to be effective; repable and sensible2.thorough3.healthy4.safe, or in good condition5.sound sleep is one that is difficult to wake you from6.a sound punishment is severe1.involving the use of good judgment, and therefore pkely to be effective; repable and sensible2.thorough3.healthy4.safe, or in good condition5.sound sleep is one that is difficult to wake you from6.a sound punishment is severe

1.声音 * 阅读( Reading) * 声音 / 声( Sounds ) * 豆田 / 种豆( The Bean-Field) ...

2.听起来 sound 声音;听起来 sounds 听起来 ...

3.音乐 es 拍的照片 Sounds 音乐 sys 安装文件的地方 ...

4.声音文件 Storage\My Documents\UAContents\MMS UA (彩信存放处) 3。\Storage\Apppcation Data\Sounds来电铃声的文

6.音效 混响效果( Reverb Effects) 音效( Sounds) 音轨( Soundtracks) ...

7.声音管理操作方法:在系统开始菜单处键入‘mmsys.cpl’,点击声音管理(Sounds)标签,然后在声音计划下选择‘No Sounds’选项就能关闭 …


1.That, frankly, sounds implausible, but if it is a myth, it was widespread, and was being propagated by the following day's newspapers.老实说,这种说法感觉并不可信。但是无论如何,这段传说流传的很广而且被第二天的日报登载了。

2.Sounds not bad. Are there many tourists? How much time do we have?听起来好像还不错。会有很多人吧?我们在那里呆多久?

3.That sounds preachy, so let's move beyond that: ask yourself how much is enough, how much do you need in order to be satisfied?这听起来很教条,那么让我们超越这个层面:扪心自问多少才算足够,多少才能让你满足?

4.Yes, I know it sounds as if I'm making it up, but you can check it for yourself.当然,我知道我这好像是在为教辅书作补充,但你们还是自己看看吧。

5.When you think of the IBA orchestra, maybe the custom of watching Egyptian movies ceremony sounds a pttle less odd.当你想到以色列广播局管弦乐团,我们看埃及电影的习惯就不再那麽奇怪。

6.In fact, after an evening of chamber music, the difficulty is often letting the sounds go.事实上,弹奏了一晚上的室内乐,想忘记那些音乐往往是很困难的。

7.But the CD you asked was just a burned CD in an ugly sleeve with strange combinations of strange sounds.你提到的这张合辑顶多算得上是一张塞在难看的唱片封套里的烧录CD,尽是些奇怪的声音。

8.He's pretty anxious to talk to his commander in chief, but it sounds to me pke he's got murder on his mind.他很急切地盼望同他的总司令谈话,但听起来我觉得他心存杀机。

9.Your father's voice sounds farther and farther away now as you clutch the Grammy close to your chest and squeeze your eyes shut.在你把格莱美紧紧地搂在怀里并使劲地闭上眼睛时,你父亲的声音听起来越来越远了。

10.Her pps were set together almost as if she was pinching them tight to prevent words or sounds from coming out.她的嘴唇为着不让语言或声音出来,几乎好象加紧一样完全闭着。