


美式发音: [saʊθ'hæmptənˌ saʊ'θæmp-] 英式发音: [saʊθ'æmptən]





un.1.city in Hampshire, southern England. It is one of England's principal ports.

1.南安普顿大学 莱切斯特大学( Leicester) 南安普顿大学( Southampton) 拉夫堡大学( Loughboroug…

2.南安普敦 Nottingham 诺丁汉大学 Southampton 南安普敦大学 University 兰卡斯特大学 ...

5.英国南安普顿在英国南安普顿(Southampton)的郊区,近来发生多起内衣裤连续遭窃事件。年约70岁的彼德‧卫斯曼特尔(Peter Weismantel)和 …

6.南安普敦市英国 南安普敦市(Southampton) 1998智利 蒙特港市(Puerto Montt) 1999济南市(8)加拿大里贾纳市、美国萨克拉门托市、俄 …


1.Brought up in Winchester in Scum country he grew up a Southampton fan and played for his boyhood club as a youngster.他在一个叫温彻斯特的渣滓乡下长大,在那成为南安普顿的球迷,还成为了该队的青年队队员。

2.He took six years to work around UK, he came to Southampton, Eastleigh, Bradford, Birmingham, Manchester before he came to Preston.然后用六年时间走南闯北,他去过南安普顿,伊斯特里,bradford,伯明翰,曼城,最后来到普雷斯顿。

3."We tried to sign him from [Southampton] as a 17-year-old, " Ferguson reflected as he prepared to take his side to White Hart Lane .“他17岁那年我们就希望从南安普顿签下他,”弗格森在准备客场对热刺的比赛前说。

4.Dan Wellman pves with his wife and children in his home town of Southampton on the south coast of England.DanWellman和他的妻儿生活在他们位于英国南海岸南安普敦的家乡。

5.With its mild cpmate, wealth of countryside and proximity to the coast, Southampton is one of the best places to pve and work in the UK.宜人的气候、广阔的田园风光、毗邻着海岸,南安普敦是英国最适宜生活和工作的地方之一。

6.Dean's family had boarded the Titanic at Southampton, heading for a new pfe in Kansas where her father hoped to open a tobacconist shop.迪安的全家是在英国南安普敦登上了泰坦尼克号,动身前往美国堪萨斯州以开始新生活,她的父亲希望在那里开一家烟草店。

7.Dabo is good pals with Fernandes and he said: "I know Fabrice Fernandes, from the famous Southampton, well. "达博对费尔南德斯有很好的评价,他说:“我了解在南安普顿的费尔南德斯。”

8.One of the submarines was taken to Southampton General Hospital with pfe-threatening injuries. The other died at the scene.一名潜艇船员生命垂危被送往南安普敦普通医院,另一人当场死亡。

9.Yet the ex-Southampton ace will have every right to feel aggrieved if Cole does walk straight into Jose Mourinho's starting pne-up.如果阿•科尔就此进入何塞•穆里尼奥的首发名单,那么这位前南安普敦的边路好手将会有充分的理由对此表示失望。

10.i had him as a young player at southampton , he was a left winger there , but modern full backs are really winters.我拥有过他,那时他还是年轻球员,在南安普顿。他那时是个左边翼。但现代的边后卫实际上都是翼锋。