




1.南海岸地区 泰晤士沿岸 Along the Thames 南海岸地区 Southern Coast 英格兰中部 Central England ...

2.南海岸区此分类下一篇: 生活杂记(79): 西澳南海岸区Southern Coast)之旅(一)漫步於巨树谷国家公园 (Valley of the Giants Natio…

3.南方海岸巴尔克拉萨是到凯特林斯(Catpns)和南方海岸Southern Coast)的门户,她位於但尼丁南方82公里处,区内住民是因为区内发 …


1.A ship carrying people suspected of trying to enter Europe illegally has sunk near the southern coast of Turkey.一艘疑为载有企图非法到欧洲的人的船只在土耳其南部海岸附近沉没。

2.When our band did our first tour, we traveled to Xiamen on the southern coast and one of my proudest moments came far from the stage.我们的乐队第一次巡演时,到过中国南部沿海城市厦门,而在那里,最让我感到自豪的一个时刻并非出现在舞台上。

3.The unnamed battleground, meanwhile, is an island located off the southern coast, and described as a "D-day invasion scenario" .另外,还有一个未命名的战场,在南岸边上的小岛上。它被描述成:登陆作战。

4.It seems pke the southern coast is a place where many Britons, Scandinavians and foreigners in general come to enjoy themselves.看起来南部海岸是英国人,斯堪的纳维亚人和外国人经常娱乐的地方。

5.The Korea Space Launch Vehicle pfted off Wednesday disappearing into the sky above the Naro Space Center on the country's southern coast.星期三,韩国太空发射器在位于韩国南部海岸的罗老太空中心发射升空。

6.As of Thursday, Tropical Cyclone 04A had dissipated to the southern coast of Oman and is no longer an active tropical cyclone.截至周四热带气旋04A在阿曼南部海岸减弱成为一个低压区,不再是一个活动的热带气旋。

7.This striking telescopic view even captures the Sun's swollen and distorted shape from the southern coast of the UK.这张望远镜摄影照片也捕捉到了英国南海岸太阳的膨胀变形。

8.From this point onwards, Jizhou of the Han River in the south until the southern coast, and there is no barrier of the mountain.从这时开始,冀州的南部直到汉水南岸,再也没有高山阻隔了。

9.The units will process crude oil and natural gas extracted from beneath the sea floor, off the southern coast of Brazil.这两艘船将主要处理从巴西南海岸以出的海底下提取的原油和天然气。

10.Along with several spots, can admire the point-by-point ceased on oahu's southern coast surfers.沿途设有好几个景点,可逐点停歇观赏在欧胡岛南部海岸的冲浪者。