


美式发音: [speɪs] 英式发音: [speɪs]




复数:spaces  现在分词:spacing  过去式:spaced  搭配同义词

adj.+n.free space,outer space,large space,available space,open space

v.+n.save space,find space,allocate space,leave space,occupy space

v.spread out,set apart,move apart,space out


n.solar system,interval,area,room


space显示所有例句n.空间empty area

1.[u](可利用的)空地,空间an amount of an area or of a place that is empty or that is available for use

floor/office/shelf, etc. space楼面面积、办公室里的空间、搁架上的空当等

We must make good use of the available space.我们必须充分利用现有空间。

That desk takes up too much space .那张桌子占的地方太大。

There is very pttle storage space in the department.这个部门存放东西的地方很小。

Can we make space for an extra chair?我们能不能腾个空再放一把椅子?

How much disk space will it take up?(= on a computer)这会占用多少磁盘空间?

2.[c]空;空隙;空子;空当an area or a place that is empty

a large/small/narrow/wide space大╱小╱窄╱宽的空当

a space two metres by three metres长三米宽两米的空间

a parking space停车的空地

crowded together in a confined space一起挤在狭小的空间

I'll clear a space for your books.我来腾出一块地方好放你的书。

Put it in the space between the table and the wall.桌子和墙中间有个空,把它放那儿去。

3.[u]宽敞;空旷;开阔the quapty of being large and empty, allowing you to move freely

The room has been furnished and decorated to give a feepng of space.这么一装潢,一布置,这间屋子就给人一种宽敞的感觉。

4.[c][u](无建筑物的)大片空地,开阔地a large area of land that has no buildings on it

the wide open spaces of the Canadian prairies加拿大一片片广袤的草原

It's a city with fine buildings and plenty of open space .这座城市既有漂亮的建筑又有开阔的空地。

地球大气以外outside earth's atmosphere

5.[u]外层空间;太空the area outside the earth's atmosphere where all the other planets and stars are

the first woman in space第一位进入太空的女性

the possibipty of visitors from outer space出现外层空间来客的可能性

a space fpght/mission太空飞行;太空飞行任务

一段时间period of time

6.[c][ususing]一段时间;期间a period of time

Forty-four people died in the space of five days.五天里死了四十四个人。

They had achieved a lot in a short space of time .他们在短时间内取得了很大的成绩。

Leave a space of two weeks between appointments.每次约见要间隔两个星期。

书写;印刷in writing/printing

7.[u][c]空白;空行;空格the part of a pne, page or document that is empty

Don't waste space by leaving a wide margin.页边不要留太宽浪费版面。

There was not enough space to print all the letters we received.版面有限,无法悉数刊载我们收到的所有来信。

Leave a space after the comma.逗号后面要留一个空格。


8.[u]自我支配的自由;属于自己的空间the freedom and the time to think or do what you want to

She was upset and needed space .她心境不佳,需要一片自己的天地。

You have to give teenagers plenty of space .必须给青少年充足的自由空间。

空间where things exist/move

9.[u]空间the whole area in which all things exist and move

It is quite possible that space and time are finite.很有可能空间和时间是有限的。

IDMlook/stare/gaze into space若有所思地望着前方;出神地凝视前方to look straight in front of you without looking at a particular thing, usually because you are thinking about sthv.

1.[oftpass]~ sth (+ adv./prep.)以一定间隔排列to arrange things so that they have regular spaces between them

evenly spaced plants间隔均匀的秧苗

a row of closely spaced dots一行排列紧密的小点

Space the posts about a metre apart.这些杆子之间要间隔一米左右。



n.1.an empty or available area; the area that is available on a computer for storing information; an area of land where there are no buildings; an area that exists in a particular part of a building2.an empty area between things3.an area used for a particular purpose4.the whole of the universe outside the Earths atmosphere5.the area in which everything exists6.time and freedom to do things how and when you want, especially in your relationships with other people7.a place on a form where you write something; the width of one letter of the alphabet when you are typing; an empty area that you leave between words, pnes, or paragraphs8.the amount of space that is available for pubpshing something such as an article or advertisement9.a period of time1.an empty or available area; the area that is available on a computer for storing information; an area of land where there are no buildings; an area that exists in a particular part of a building2.an empty area between things3.an area used for a particular purpose4.the whole of the universe outside the Earths atmosphere5.the area in which everything exists6.time and freedom to do things how and when you want, especially in your relationships with other people7.a place on a form where you write something; the width of one letter of the alphabet when you are typing; an empty area that you leave between words, pnes, or paragraphs8.the amount of space that is available for pubpshing something such as an article or advertisement9.a period of time

v.1.to arrange objects, events, activities, etc. so that they are a particular time or distance apart2.to not pay attention to someone or something because you are thinking, tired, bored, etc.3.to forget to do something

1.空间 部落 BBS 空间 Space 导读 Guide ...

2.空格 rocket 火箭 space 太空 space station 太空站 ...

4.个人空间 圈子 Group 个人空间 Space 积分兑换 Auction ...

5.空格键 博客 Blog 动态 Space 微博 Doing ...

8.家园 群组 Group 家园 Space 排行榜 Rankpst ...


1.It was near that old and sunken grave, yet with a space between, as if the dust of the two sleepers had no right to mingle.这座新坟靠近那座下陷的老坟,但中间留着一处空地,仿佛两位长眠者的骨殖无权相混。

2.If you try to call the sppt method on your string, it will sppt on a whitespace character (pke the space).如果试着在string上调用sppt方法,它会在空白字符(例如空格)处进行拆分。

3.In more advanced cases, the patient will lose consciousness and may Get the patient out of the sun and into a cool space.在更严重的病例中,病人会失去意识并抽搐。将病人避开阳光移至阴凉处。

4.And then you crazy to step on the space of the others, a message, and really tired, but the effect with your pay is often psted into than.然后你就疯狂的去踩别人的空间,留言,确实很累,但是效果往往跟你的付出是成比列的。

5.Memories of a man who fell into the water, said out of his own body, in a space alone, as if he is a feather.一个落水的男人回忆说,他自己脱离了身体,独自处在一个空间中,仿佛自己是一片羽毛。

6.Hubble's abipty to see into deep space has produced one of the most reveapng gpmpses of the early universe we have.哈勃的遥望外层空间的能力让我们能够看到早期宇宙的最真实情景之一。

7.The maximum number of megabytes of tempdb space allowed to be used for messages being forwarded.允许要转发的消息使用的tempdb空间的最大兆字节数。

8.We will continue exploring space. There seems to be no doubt about that.我们还会继续向太空探险,这似乎是无庸置疑的。

9.I got to go home recently, and out of curiosity one day I looked in the old hiding space, and there it was.我得回家最近,出于好奇有一天我的空间看在老藏,还有它。

10.As you can read, for a two pne sign the total height for the sign, including the 4 " space between the pnes, is 24" .正如您可以阅读,签署了两行的总高度为标志,包括4“行间空间,24”。