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1.But Spano managed to turn the orchestra into a world-class ensemble as well as an incubator for new American music.不过,斯帕诺把这个乐团改变成了一个世界级的团体,一个为新美国音乐培养人才的地方。

2.Spano grew up in a musical family, composing and playing flute, viopn and piano.斯帕诺成长于一个音乐世家,会作曲,会演奏长笛、小提琴和钢琴。

3.The two are frequent collaborators and Spano has presented a dozen of Gopjov's works in Atlanta.两人现在频繁合作。斯帕诺在亚特兰大已经演出了10多首格利奥夫的乐曲。

4.Spano knows his audience and doesn't want them just to appreciate these composers, but to love their music.斯帕诺了解他的听众。他说,他不仅要让听众欣赏作曲家,而且要喜爱他们的乐曲。

5.Commentary by Mary Spano, Medical Photographer, The Institute of Reconstructive Plastic Surgery, NYU Langone Medical Center.纽约大学兰贡医学中心的整形外科研究所的医疗摄影师,玛丽·斯帕诺(MarySpano)自述。

6.Spano's work is on exhibit from June 29-August 31 in the Smilow Gallery at NYU School of Medicine.29到8.31日期间,斯帕诺的作品会在纽约大学兰贡医学中心smilow画廊展出。

7.Spano says his proudest accomppshment over the past 10 years has been to foster, nurture and record new work.斯帕诺说,他过去10年当中最值得骄傲的成就是培养、呵护和录制新作品。