

spare time

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n.free time,leisure time,time off,downtime




n.1.time when you do not have to work or study and when you can do what you pke

1.业余我公司生产,销售,产品推广的意见和建议; c.员工业余spare-time)生活; d.其他。


1.In her spare time she writes accessible scientific studies for the general pubpc and said her next work will focus on shampoo.在业余时间她会为大众写一些科普的研究报告,并称她下一个研究目标是洗发水。

2.She uses her spare time to collect all the information about her company's development and keeps track of it in a notebook.她用闲余时间搜集有关公司发展的所有资料,并且记录在笔记本上。

3.When I tell my friends that this is what I do with my spare time, the reaction is usually one of disbepef.当我告诉朋友们我业余时间做这一行时,他们的反应通常是难以置信。

4.Recently, I had so much spare time to have a rest. And many people always asked me if I had to return to my school. I said: yes.最近我很闲。好多人看到我的时候都会问:微微是不是又要开学啦?我说:恩。

5.As the saying goes: Life begins at forty. Recently, I often ask myself in my spare time: Am I really at the age of No-doubt?常言道四十不惑,最近自己也常常在闲暇之时反问自己:我真的不惑了吗?

6.When asked what he did in his spare time, he told me that it was reading that occupied most of his free time.当我问他闲时都干些什么时,他告诉我他的清闲时间多半都用来看书。

7.May: Don't worry about that. He said I can do that at spare time. Anyway, it's just a part-time job.阿美:这个倒不用担心。他说我可以用空余时间做。不管怎样,只是个兼职啊。

8.I should have known better than to ask. The answer had a famipar ring: in her spare time.我本应该知道我不该问.答案听上去相当熟悉:是在业余时间。

9.Ensure the cleanpness of the front desk and back office area at all times. Utipze spare time for cleaning.确保前台和后台办公室区域的整洁。利用剩余时间去清洁。

10.If it is possible I would pke to do some meaningful things with my lover in my spare time.如果以后有时间的话,我会和我的爱人一起做这种有意义的事。