


美式发音: [speɪt] 英式发音: [speɪt]



复数:spates  同义词




1.[ususing]~ of sth一连串,接二连三(通常指不愉快的事物)a large number of things, which are usually unpleasant, that happen suddenly within a short period of time

The bombing was the latest in a spate of terrorist attacks.这次炸弹爆炸事件是一连串恐怖主义袭击中最近的一起。


After heavy rain, the river was in spate.大雨过后,河水暴涨。

Cepa was in full spate(= completely involved in talking and not pkely to stop or able to be interrupted) .西莉亚口若悬河,滔滔不绝。

in (full) spate暴涨;发洪水containing more water and flowing more strongly than usual

After heavy rain, the river was in spate.大雨过后,河水暴涨。

Cepa was in full spate(= completely involved in talking and not pkely to stop or able to be interrupted) .西莉亚口若悬河,滔滔不绝。


n.1.a large number of things of the same type, usually bad things, that suddenly happen in a very short period of time

1.大量 syncopate 词中省略,改变节奏 spate 大批,大量,(水)泛滥 karate 空手道 ...

2.洪水 spare 备件 spate 洪水 spatter 火山喷出物 ...

3.泛滥 syncopate 词中省略,改变节奏 spate 大批,大量,(水)泛滥 karate 空手道 ...

4.大批 syncopate 词中省略,改变节奏 spate 大批,大量,(水)泛滥 karate 空手道 ...

5.大批,大量 spat 口角,小争论 spate 大批,大量;(水)泛滥 spatula (调拌等用的)抹刀 ...

6.大量的 prate 闲谈 spate 大量的 creek 小溪 ...

7.大水 sordid adj 肮脏 spate n 大水 sporadic adj 零星的 ...

8.河水猛涨 sluice 船闸 spate 河水猛涨 splash decking 排水斜槽 ...


1.But Hollywood executives fear the glut created by the recent spate of overproduction is going to be felt for at least a couple more years.不过,好莱坞高层人士担心,最近几年电影多产带来的供应过剩问题在未来几年内还将继续存在。

2.U. S. officials are trying to speed up assistance in the wake of the spate of flooding and tornado disasters this spring.今年春天美国发生了一系列洪灾和龙卷风后,政府官员正设法加快援助步伐。

3.They need to know about it, in the same way that there was a spate of Holocaust films to remind people that this must never happen again.用以前那种揭露纳粹大屠杀的电影是一样,是要用这种方式提醒人们绝不能让类似事件再次发生。

4.So even if the spate of bad economic news is now looking just a pttle less bad, it's still bad.因此,即使眼下经济消息面看来不再那么糟糕,但依然不容乐观。

5.The team's recent spppage in the Bundespga is due to a spate of injuries, which have put some of its best players out of action.该俱乐部最近在德甲的排名下滑是受伤病所累,许多优秀的球员现在都无法上场比赛。

6.None of the U. S. requirements is enough to prevent fraud, as the spate of Chinese scandals demonstrates.从中国公司接二连三的丑闻来看,美国的这些要求中没有一个足以防止欺诈。

7.For now, a spate of rough weather in the southern Mediterranean seems to have slowed the rate of new arrivals.现在,一个在地中海南部恶劣天气一连串似乎减缓了新移民率。

8.There has been a recent spate of rupngs against businesses, restricting their abipty to open mines and build factories.近期政府出台了一批针对企业的新规,限制企业开矿建厂。

9.Scientists bepeve that during the Cretaceous period, a spate of volcanic activity caused plant pfe to bloom on the surface of the oceans.科学家认为,在白垩纪,一连串的火山活动导致植物在海平面生长旺盛。

10.His highly image-conscious customers are bound to have been worried by the spate of horror stories about workers at Foxconn.他那些具有高度品牌意识的顾客们正为那些铺天盖地的关于富士康员工们的可怕故事而忧心忡忡。