





1.空间记忆 ... 情节记忆力( episodic memory) 空间记忆力spatial memory) 短期记忆力( short-term …

3.空间回忆法次出现一个,实验对象必须依照出现的次序写下来)和「空间回忆法」(spatial memory)(实验对象会看到连续出现的光, …

4.空间学习记忆 ) spatial learning and memory 空间学习记忆 ) spatial memory 空间学习记忆 ) spatial working memory 空间工作记忆 ...


1.That makes sense because a domestic chicken with a dippy spatial memory would survive but a forgetful wild bird would go hungry.这就可以解释为什么空间记忆混乱的家鸡能存活而健忘的野禽会挨饿(致死)了。

2.Another study had 30 children practice yoga breathing for 10 days. The children experienced a 43% increase in spatial memory scores.另一项基于30名练习瑜伽式呼吸的儿童的调查,在10天后他们在空间记忆得分上有43%的进步。

3.Thus, it seems that the male advantage in spatial memory is not a general effect but apppes only to certain specific processing components.由此可见,男性在空间记忆这一块并不具备全面性的优势,而仅在某些特定的组成过程略胜一筹。

4.Playing video games enhances performance on mental rotation skills, visual and spatial memory, and tasks requiring divided attention.玩电子游戏能提高高心理旋转能力、视觉–空间的记忆,还能锻炼一心多用的能力。

5.Several types of yoga breathing were included in the studies that revealed the astounding improvement in spatial memory.几种类型的瑜伽呼吸被列入研究范围,揭示了改善空间记忆惊人的效果。

6.When the birds were between four-and-a-half and nine months old their spatial memory was tested.在这些鸡长到4个半月至9个月大时,研究人员对它们的空间记忆力进行了测试。

7.The present study aimed to examine how spatial terms affect spatial memory under various degrees of task difficulty.本研究旨在检验不同作业难度下,空间用语如何影响空间记忆。

8.Arendash uses a mouse maze to assess the spatial memory of his Alzheimer's mice.阿里达什使用小鼠水迷宫,来评估他的老年痴呆症小鼠的空间记忆。

9.Both groups also improved on a test of spatial memory, but the walkers improved more.两组人员在空间记忆测试方面都得到提高,但走步一组提高的效果更多显著。

10.At the start of the study, both the aerobic and the non-aerobic group scored similarly on the spatial memory test.研究刚开始时,有氧小组和非有氧小组在空间记忆力上测试的成绩很接近。