




1.大声点 ... ) Read slowly/clearly. 读慢/清楚些。 ) Louder please./Speak louder. 大声点。 ) All right./That’s right. 行/对。 ...

2.说得大声点 ... They were shouting aloud. 他们在高声地呼喊。 . Speak louder. 说得大声点。 . loudly adv. 有时 …

3.说大声一点 Speak. 说 Speak louder. 说大声一点 Take out your book. 课本拿出来 ...

4.大声地说话 ... Lifted their voices in song. 唱歌时提高了嗓门 speak louder;raise one's voice. 大声地说话;提高嗓门。 ...

5.大声宏亮 Watch out.( 注意。) Speak louder.( 讲大声点。) Go on./Continue.( 继续。) ...

7.说话大声 我认输了. I can’t hack this . 说话大声. speak louder 我在筹集资金. I’m collecting money . ...

8.大点声 语录 quotation 大点声 speak louder 费电 waste power,cost electricity ...


1.She was so utterly exhausted that she had not strength to speak louder.她已经筋疲力尽了,连大声说话的力气也没有了。

2.Our actions will speak louder than words, and we are looking forward to helping you over the last years of the cycle of duapty.我们的行动将会证明,我们期待在这最后的时间帮助你们。

3.Speak louder, and every student in the classroom will be able to hear you.说话大声点,教室里的学生才能听到你讲的内容。

4.We firmly bepeve that this hi-tech product will be accepted one day because facts speak louder than words.我们坚信这个高科技产品总有一天会被接受,因为事实胜于雄辩。

5.eg: * Betty kept promising to do something. Bill finally looked her in eye and said, "Actions speak louder than words" .贝蒂承诺过要做这件事的。比儿最后瞪着眼说:“唱地比说的好听,就是不见实际行动”

6.It is time for you to act, as the saying goes, "Actions speak louder than words. "现在是你行动的时候,正如俗语说「行动比言语更响亮」。

7.But her expressive eyes and helpful actions speak louder than words.她不大说英语,但她那富有表情的眼睛,助人为乐的行为胜过语言。

8.And so, as I said, actions speak louder than words It's OK to have high standards.所以,就像我刚才说的,行动比言语更响亮,有高标准当然没问题。

9.You can only go as far as you push! Actions speak louder than words.你只能动一步走一步!(无奈)事实胜于雄辩。

10.He said her actions speak louder than her words; she's never kept a promise.他说她的行动胜于言辞—她从不守诺。