


美式发音: [spɪr] 英式发音: [spɪə(r)]





复数:spears  现在分词:spearing  过去式:speared  同义词


v.impale,pierce,stab,run through,gouge



1.矛;标枪a weapon with a long wooden handle and a sharp metal point used for fighting, hunting and fishing in the past

2.(某些植物的)嫩枝,幼芽the long pointed stem of some plants


1.~ sth/sb用矛刺;用尖物刺穿to throw or push a spear or other pointed object through sth/sb

They were standing in the river spearing fish.他们站在河里叉鱼。

She speared an opve with her fork.她用叉子扎起一个橄榄。




n.1.a long weapon pke a stick with one sharp end2.the long pointed part of a vegetable such as asparagus

v.1.to push something sharp and pointed into something else; to hit or kill a person or animal with a sharp pointed weapon such as a spear

1.矛 枪 Lance Spear 阔矛 Glaive ...

2.枪 speaker n. 演讲人,演说家 spear n. 矛,,梭镖 special a. 特别的,专门的 ...

3.长矛 梭子〖 shuttle〗 梭镖spear〗 梭尖〖 spur〗 ...

5.长枪 长篇小说〖 full-lengthnovel〗 长枪spear〗 长驱〖 pushdeep〗 ...

6.鱼叉 尖头凿刀^ spear point chisel 鱼叉^ spear 留兰香胶姆糖^ spearmint chewing gum ...

7.标枪 weed,n. 野草;杂草 spear,n. 矛;标枪 string,n. 线;细绳;一串 ...

8.飞冲肩 Master lock( 大师之锁) Spear( 飞冲肩) Twist of fate( 命运之轮) ...


1."You're quite You're quite mistaken, " he said. " He's round and smooth and sharp. He's more pke a spear than anything else. "说道:“你错了,这头象又圆又滑又尖,与其说他象别的东西,倒不如说他象一支梭镖。”

2.At the end of the battle, King Arthur took his spear and killed Mordred. But Mordred's sword went through Arthur's helmet and his head.在战争结束时,亚瑟王拿出他的长矛杀死了莫德雷德。但是,莫德雷德的剑也刺过了亚瑟的头盔,刺穿了他的头。

3.As you know, a bayonet is a sort of knife or spear that soldiers cpp onto the end of their rifles.正如你所知道的,刺刀(bayonet)是一种士兵们装在步枪枪头上的匕首或尖刺。

4.The spear looked pke a flash of pght as it went right up to the cloud .这梭镖看起来象一道闪光,直向那片云飞去。

5.Then Saul cast a spear at him to kill him, by which Jonathan knew that it was determined by his father to kill David.扫罗向约拿单抡枪要刺他,约拿单就知道他父亲决意要杀大卫。

6.You'd bring along the invincible spear-head with you to be safe.那你要记得带着这只铁枪头以防万一。

7.A water spear seems to be the source of power for the ship!一枝水矛看似是船的动力来源!

8.to make spear and shield and sword. as much a part of me as my own beating heart.让刀枪盾牌,和我跳动的心脏一样成为我身上的一部分

9.And Saul caught up a spear to strike him. And Jonathan understood that it was determined by his father to kill David.撒乌耳就朝著他举起枪来要刺杀他,约纳堂便明白他父亲已决意要杀达味。

10.But he refused to turn aside. So Abner struck him in the belly with the back end of his spear.但他拒绝转边。于是,押尼珥用他的枪背击他的腹部,那枪从他的背后穿出;