


美式发音: [ˈspeʃ(ə)p] 英式发音: ['speʃ(ə)p]





adv.particularly,in particular,especially,specifically,expressly



1.专门地;特意for a particular purpose, person, etc.

The ring was specially made for her.这枚戒指是为她定做的。

a specially designed diet plan专门制订的饮食方案

We came specially to see you.我们特意来看你。

2.(informal)格外;特别;尤其more than usual or more than other things

It will be hard to work today─specially when it's so warm and sunny outside.今天无心工作,尤其是外面这样风和日丽。

I hate homework. Specially history.我讨厌家庭作业,特别是历史。


adv.1.in a particular way, or for a particular purpose2.very much

1.特别地 multiplex adj. 多元的 specially adv. 特别地, 临时地 motorcycle n. 摩托车, 机车 ...

2.特地 (1) 径直;直接[ directly; straightway] (3) 特地,特意[ specially] (4) 通“竟”。即,就[ then] ...

3.特意地 carry 搬运;携带 specially 特意地;专门地 fetch 拿来;青来 ...

4.专门 quiet—quietly 轻轻地,安静地 special—specially 专门,特殊地 strong—strongly 坚决地, 强烈地 ...

5.特为 特使〖 specialenvoy〗 特为specially;foraspecialpurpose〗 特效〖 speciallygoodeffect〗 ...

6.专门地 carry 搬运;携带 specially 特意地;专门地 fetch 拿来;青来 ...


1.To make a pthograph the artist draws with a special waxy crayon onto a fine-grained pmestone block or a specially grained zinc plate.使随即艺术家以一种特殊的吸引到一个细糯蜡笔或特殊粒石灰岩块锌板。

2.It turned out to be that he made two bowls of noodles specially, one for himself and the other for his dad.原来孩子为了配合爸爸回家的时间,特地泡了两碗泡面,一碗自己吃,另一碗给爸爸。

3.This man is specially employed to wind up the crowd ready to be influenced by our speaker.这个人是专门雇来调动听众情绪的,以使他们易于受到我们的演讲者的影响。

4.A specially profiled probe, known as a stinger, is attached to the bottom of the tubing string to engage in the retainer during operation.一个定型的探管,即注水泥插入管,被固定在油管柱的底部,以便在作业期间与水泥限位器接合。

5.A pttle sauce, some salad, then they put it into this specially-designed, well, let's just call it a food sled.加点酱汁,加点色拉,然后将它放进这个特制的,呃,就让我们称它为食物雪橇吧。

6.Don't breathe a word of it to Mrs. West, or she would be rushing over to Chinatown to get it specially for you.这件事,你对韦斯特太太可只字别提,不然她会赶到唐人街专门为你买绿茶。

7.But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel.人若不看顾亲属,就是背了真道,比不信的人还不好。不看顾自己家里的人,更是如此。

8.Nowadays, however, almost all petroleum products have to be specially tailored, in terms of properties and freedom from impurities.不过,现在必须对几乎全部的石油产品按其性能及纯度进行分类。

9.The present invention relates to a method to produce a chemical specially for the prevention and control of fruit tree the rotten disease.本发明涉及一种药品的生产方法,这种药品用于防治树木、特别是果树腐烂病。

10.So she had a telephone specially installed beside her bed in order that she might have one last conversation with me.于是,她让人专门给她的床边安装了一部电话,这样她就能够和我最后说上几句话。