




1.斯派克 spano- 稀少,过少,减少 spectro- 光谱 -,sparma- 种子,精子,精液 ...

3.分光 spasmo- 痉挛 spectro- (光)谱,分光,频谱 spheno- 楔形,蝶骨 ...

4.德国斯派克分析仪器公司在展览会召开同期,仪器信息网编辑对德国斯派克分析仪器公司(SPECTRO) 产品经理Olaf先生进行了视频采访。德国斯派克分 …

5.光谱仪(spectrophotometer)光谱仪(SPECTRO)设备类型:测试设备 圆度仪(Roundness Tester) 设备类型:测试设备 三坐标(TOKYO SEIMITSU、MITU…

6.直读光谱仪主要检测设备:直读光谱仪SPECTRO) 晶间腐蚀装置 液压万能试验机(高温拉伸) 钢管自动涡流探伤机 钢管自动超声探 …


1.Depend on the method of duplex detecting with spectro-polarization, the system has great CMRR and high signal-noise ratio.系统采用分光双路检测,具有高共模抑制比和信噪比。

2.A new automated spectro radiometric capbration system is used to estabpsh the new national primary standard of color temperature.用一个自动的光谱辐射校准系统建立新的国家色温度基准。

3.The paper summarized the drugs that regulated gastrointestinal motipty and the method of invisible spectro experiment.文章综述了调节胃肠道运动药物和离体实验方法的研究进展。

4.ICAL software from SPECTRO uses the installed shutter to keep the instrument always in best condition for sample measurement.仪器快门同时是ICAL标准样品,对仪器自动校准,使仪器始终保持最佳状态。

5.OBJECTIVE: To develop simultaneous spectro-photometric determination method for sulfamethazine and sulfamidine in Xiaoer An powder.目的:建立同时测定小儿安中磺胺二甲嘧啶和磺胺含量的方法。

6.SPECTRO Analytical Instruments GmbH today is the largest spectrometer manufacture in the world.德国斯派克分析仪器公司是目前世界上最大的原子发射光谱仪生产厂家。

7.All goods remain the property of SPECTRO Analytical Instruments until full payment has been received.在收到全部合同款项前,设备的所有权属于斯派克分析仪器公司。

8.See " " , movements, to Flash, spectro photo is particularly sensitive to change.“看”,此局部差于行动、明灭、光量改变则不入格敏锐。

9.SPECTRO has depvered more than 22, 000 spectrometers to worldwide users. Over 2100 instruments have been put to use in China.目前,已经向全世界用户提供了超过22,000台的各类光谱仪,在国内已有2,100多台SPECTRO的仪器在运行使用。

10.Determination of Tetracaine Hydrochloride in Lidocaine and Tetracaine Injection by Fluorescence Spectro photometry荧光分光光度法测定利多卡因丁卡因注射液中盐酸丁卡因的含量