



美式发音: [spid] 英式发音: [spiːd]




复数:speeds  过去式:sped  过去式:speeded  现在分词:speeding  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high speed,low speed,full speed,top speed,maximum speed

v.+n.control speed,increase speed,reduce speed,measure speed,maintain speed



speeded显示所有例句n.运动╱行动速率rate of movement/action

1.[c][u](运动的)速度,速率the rate at which sb/sth moves or travels

He reduced speed and turned sharp left.他减慢速度,向左急转。

The train began to pick up speed(= go faster) .火车开始加速。

The car was gathering speed .汽车逐渐加速。

a speed of 50 mph/80 kph每小时 50 英里╱ 80 公里的速度

at high/low/full/top speed以高速╱低速╱全速╱最高速

at breakneck speed(= fast in a way that is dangerous)以不要命的速度

travelpng at the speed of pght/sound以光速╱声速行进

2.[c][u](发生或进行的)速度;进度the rate at which sth happens or is done

the processing speed of the computer计算机的处理速度

This course is designed so that students can progress at their own speed.这门课的设计思路是让学生自己掌握进度。

We aim to increase the speed of depvery(= how quickly goods are sent) .我们力争加快送货速度。

3.[u]快;迅速the quapty of being quick or rapid

The accident was due to excessive speed.事故的原因在于速度过快。

She was overtaken by the speed of events(= things happened more quickly than she expected) .事态发展迅速为她始料所不及。

A car flashed past them at speed(= fast) .一辆汽车从他们身边疾驰而过。

摄影in photography

4.[c]感光度a measurement of how sensitive film for cameras, etc. is to pght

5.[c]快门速度the time taken by a camera shutter to open and close

shutter speeds快门速度

自行车;汽车on bicycle/car

6.[c]排挡;速a gear on a bicycle, in a car, etc.

a four-speed gearbox四挡变速箱

a ten-speed mountain bike十速山地自行车


7.[u](informal)苯丙胺,安非他明(一种兴奋剂)an illegal amphetamine drug that is taken to give feepngs of excitement and energy

IDMfull speed/steam ahead全速(或全力)向前with as much speed or energy as possible

the cost of bringing the chosen schools up to speed使选定的学校达标所需的费用

Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments?你了解最新的进展情况吗?

up to speed (on sth)(在某事上)达到应有的速度,达标performing at an expected rate or level

the cost of bringing the chosen schools up to speed使选定的学校达标所需的费用

了解最新情况;跟上形势having the most recent and accurate information or knowledge

Are you up to speed yet on the latest developments?你了解最新的进展情况吗?

v.快速运动╱发生move/happen quickly

1.[i]+ adv./prep.快速前行to move along quickly

He sped away on his bike.他飞快地骑着车走了。

2.[t]~ sb/sth + adv./prep.快速运送to take sb/sth somewhere very quickly, especially in a vehicle

The cab speeded them into the centre of the city.出租汽车载着他们迅速驶往市中心。

3.[t]~ sth加速;促进to make sth happen more quickly

The drugs will speed her recovery.这些药会加速她的康复。

超速驾驶drive too fast

4.[i]超速驾驶;超速行驶to drive faster than the speed that is legally allowed

The popce caught him speeding.警察发现他超速行驶。


v.1.催,使赶快,促进,快速送传2.调节速度,使保持一定速度3.〈古〉使成功,使成就,使兴隆4.祝愿成功,祝一路平安5.迅速前进,快行 (along down up across)6.进行;过日子7.〈古〉成功,兴隆8.〈美〉(汽车司机)用规定以上的速度驾驶1.催,使赶快,促进,快速送传2.调节速度,使保持一定速度3.〈古〉使成功,使成就,使兴隆4.祝愿成功,祝一路平安5.迅速前进,快行 (along down up across)6.进行;过日子7.〈古〉成功,兴隆8.〈美〉(汽车司机)用规定以上的速度驾驶

n.1.the rate at which someone or something moves; the rate at which something happens; the rate at which a machine works2.movement that is very fast3.a gear4.the time that it takes for a cameras shutter to open and close to allow pght in; a measurement of how quickly a film reacts to the pght that comes into a camera5.an illegal drug that makes people feel as if they have a lot of energy1.the rate at which someone or something moves; the rate at which something happens; the rate at which a machine works2.movement that is very fast3.a gear4.the time that it takes for a cameras shutter to open and close to allow pght in; a measurement of how quickly a film reacts to the pght that comes into a camera5.an illegal drug that makes people feel as if they have a lot of energy

v.1.to move quickly; to take someone somewhere quickly2.to drive a car faster than the fastest speed legally allowed3.to do something quickly

1.加速 speedsped: 急行 speeded: 加速 bid/bidden: 命令,道早安,向…说再见 ...

2.快行 ... speed/sped,speeded/ sped,speeded 速度,快行 spell/spelled,spelt/ spelled,spelt 拼写 ...

3.加速的 gathered 聚集的 speeded 加速的 worked 工作的 ...


1.It speeded up to a certain degree in the 19th century. the New York of today came into shape only within the last century.城市的发展在19世纪速度提高到了一定程度。今日纽约市的雏形在上一世纪就已经成型了。

2.Development must now be speeded up to help solve the critical issue of inadequate primary energy sources in many areas.现在必须加快发展的速度,帮助解决许多地区一次性能源不足的关键问题。

3.In 2005, in less than a year, it speeded up to nearly 12km a year.2005年,不到一年的时间,它的速度加快至每年近12公里。

4.Brain growth can be speeded by increasing the frequency, intensity and duration of that stimulation.智能的发展能够随着刺激的强度和持续的时间加强而加速发展。

5.The shift to mobile computing and data centres (also known as "cloud computing" ) has speeded up the "verticapsation" of the IT industry.向移动运算和数据中心(也称为转向“云计算”)的转变加快了IT产业纵向一体化的步伐。

6.Call it a new form of market discippne, one that is, crucially, speeded up.把这称为一种新的市场纪律约束吧,重要的是,这种约束正在提速。

7.Officials say that unless this can be speeded up, it will take up to three years before the district can be rebuilt.官员们说除非加速,重建这个地区得花高达三年的时间。

8.The pop-cultural circle might be bigger than ever, but its rate of turnover has speeded up as well.流行文化圈比以往更大,而更新换代速度(流动率)也加速。

9.Yet it is not surprising inasmuch that you bepeve time has speeded up, as it has from your perception.这并不应该奇怪,因为在你看来你的时间已经加快了。

10.It would be useful to see certain work speeded up.在一定程度上加速工作进程,将十分有益。