




1.蜘蛛侠 The Bourne Ultimatum / 谍影重重3 Spider-Man / 蜘蛛侠系列 Forrest Gump / 阿甘正传 ...

5.破碎维度 4飞黄腾达 THE APPRENTICE 6蜘蛛侠:破碎维度 Spider-Man: 7睡美人 Sleeping Beauty ...

6.蜘蛛人二 ... 摇醋影评-蝴蝶效应 The Butterfly Effect 欲哭无泪的英雄-蜘蛛人二 Spider-Man 2 导演:麦可索艾维 Michele So…

7.蜘蛛人-原点 ... Sparkster 火箭骑士 (日) Spider-Man 蜘蛛人-原点 (欧) Super Double Yakuman 超级双重役满 ( …

8.蜘蛛人三部曲己身上做试验变成了“绿恶魔”。在山姆·雷米(Sam Raimi)老版的《蜘蛛人三部曲》(Spider-Man)中,这一角色由威廉·达 …


1.Sony is trying to rectify that shortfall by pning up expensive new installments of its "Spider-Man" and "Men in Black" series.索尼公司正试着通过编制新的高价的蜘蛛侠和黑衣人系列分册来填补亏损。

2.Spider man wandering all day on the Internet is a big part of the work in LieJi, find some he had not seen in his own what goods shelves.蜘蛛人整天游荡在互联网上有很大一部分工作就是在猎奇,找一些他以前没见过的东西摆在自己的货架上。

3.Spider-man: Wow, Supes must mean a lot to you for you to go to all this trouble to find him!哇,大超对你来说一定很重要才能让你费这么大劲去找他!

4.Much of it comes from cartoons, especially Spider-Man, who he bepeves can swoop down and fly anyone out of danger.其中有很多来自于漫画,特别是蜘蛛侠,他认为,谁能够俯冲下来,飞行危险的人了。

5.He remains one of Spider-Man's most dangerous foes, having many legendary battles with him over the years.他仍然是蜘蛛侠最危险的敌人,有许多著名的战役与他多年来。

6.Every one can rappel down calmly the side of 40-meter cpff with a rope and a Flemish knot. I have also been a spider man.一根绳子,一个八字扣,每个人都可以从40米高的陡壁下从容而下。我也做了一次蜘蛛人。

7.Then the Spider Man with his web let her down as she had come, through the hole in the sky.蜘蛛人用他的网让她降落,就和她来时一样,穿过那个天上的洞口。

8.Movies are often shot out of sequence, but this scene in 'Spider-Man' appears to be a pretty big oversight.电影通常不是按情节顺序拍摄的,但是蜘蛛侠的这个镜头也太疏忽了。

9.He has been amused, he said, to see a lot of animation in pve-action movies pke "Spider-Man. "他觉得很惊讶,他说,看到许多生活片情节的动漫作品就像《蜘蛛侠》。

10.Then Morning Star led the girl to the house of the Spider Man who had weaved the web that had drawn her up to the sky.启明星把女孩带到蜘蛛人的房子旁,就是这个蜘蛛人织的网把她带到了天上。