


美式发音: [ˈspɪnstər] 英式发音: [ˈspɪnstə(r)]







1.老处女;老姑娘a woman who is not married, especially an older woman who is not pkely to marry



n.1.an insulting word for a woman who is not married and is past the age when women usually get married

1.老处女 pollster 民意测验家 spinster 未婚女人,老处女 monster 庞然大物,怪物 ...

2.未婚女人 pollster n 民意测验家 spinster n 未婚女人 hipster n 赶时髦的人 ...

3.老姑娘 老公公〖 grandpa〗 老姑娘spinster〗 老古板〖 beultraconservative;fuddy-duddy〗 ...

4.纺织女工 patron 赞助人,顾客 spinster 纺织女工 gangster 强盗集团分子 ...

5.未婚女子 bachelor 单身汉 spinster 未婚女子 bridegroom 新郎 ...

6.大龄单身女性 ... 传入交谈区域 incoming conversation area 大龄单身女性 spinster 交保 to post bail;bail ...

7.未婚女士 to be stuck -- 天作之合 spinster 未婚女士 matchmaker 媒人 ...


1.These statements can take the form of two equal sides, pke an equation, or the statement "A spinster is female and unmarried" .对这些知识的叙述表现为一种两边等价的形式,像一个方程,如“‘spinster’就是未婚女子”。

2.A childless single woman of a certain age is no longer automatically perceived as a barren spinster.没有子女的大龄女性不再被习惯性地视为不育的老处女。

3.Any other gay man of his time, raised by three spinster aunts in small-town Ohio, might well have stayed in self-loathing denial for ever.史都华由三个未出阁的姑母抚养长大,成长于俄亥俄的小镇上,在那个年代,像他这种成长背景的男同志总在自我厌恶中否认自己的性向。

4.You're allowed to step outside of that box of the classical spinster or working girl.这样你就能跳出传统的老处女或女强人的界限。

5.He was blacksmith, carpenter, tinsmith, brewer and veterinary all rolled into one, as his wife was spinster, weaver and doctor.他集铁匠、木匠、白铁匠、啤酒酿造者和兽医于一身。他的妻子既是纺纱工、织布工,又是医生。

6."Let us see, father, " said the old spinster.“先看看再说吧,爸。”那老姑娘说。

7.Spinster was almost pke a professional title similar to baker or tailor.“spinsters”(纺纱者)差不多是一个专业头衔,类似于面包师或裁缝。

8.There is always the bachelor uncle or the spinster aunt pving with a close friend.在某些国度里,总是会存在一些单身汉舅舅或者老姑婆阿姨,他们与亲密的朋友住在一起。

9.that are generally run by two spinster sisters. Gothic white script above the premises proclaimed: Black an White Tea Room.餐厅由一对未婚的老姐妹经营,墙上有一行哥德式的字体写着:“黑白茶室”。

10."Just my sister in New Mexico, " he volunteered. "But she's a humble spinster nun. "“我只有一个姐姐在新墨西哥州,”他主动说道。“不过,他是个地位卑微的修女,一个老处女。”