


美式发音: [spɪts] 英式发音: [spɪts]






n.1.a dog belonging to a breed that has a pointed muzzle, erect pointed ears, and a tightly curled tail

1.施皮茨这是施皮茨Spitz),它是座被大片的葡萄梯田半遮掩的小镇。有座被人们称为“千桶山”(Tausendimer - berg)的城堡山,意 …

2.狐狸犬关於狐狸犬(Spitz)的历史,相传大约是六千年前的新石器时代生长在瑞士各城镇的某犬种和北极地方拉橇犬交配而成,在狐狸犬 …

3.兹它奋力打败了领头狗斯匹(Spitz),目的是想取代成为领头地位,但主人弗朗索斯(Francisco)却指定别的狗当领袖,巴克抗旨不 …

4.斯皮茨斯皮茨Spitz)在对孤儿院里的儿童所进行的研究中,发现这些早期被剥夺母亲照顾的孩子,长大以后在各方面的发展均受到 …

5.皮兹# 我们只有坐到修皮兹(Spitz),到达时间是下午3点23分,游船时间大约一个多小时~~# 我们从梅尔克(Melk)出发了,准备好好欣赏 …


7.施皮兹施皮兹Spitz)将此分为三步曲:3月会微笑,8月见到陌生人焦虑,以及12月后会说“不"。这种自身-客体区分的过程是成熟的 …


1."It was going on television in 1963, the same year as the Beatles, that made it possible for her to become a popular icon, " Mr. Spitz said.“她是在1963年上电视的,跟甲壳虫乐队同一年。那个节目使她成为广受欢迎的偶像,”施皮茨说。

2.He saw Spitz run out his scarlet tongue in a way he had of laughing; and he saw Francois, swinging an axe, spring into the mess of dogs.他看见Spitz吐着猩红色的舌头,一如他狂吠时那样,还看见Francois挥舞着斧头冲向那群狗。

3.Spitz did not fully taper for the trials, because he thought that would leave him flat for the Olympics a few weeks later.斯皮茨没有完全为选拔赛减量,因为他认为那样会使他在数周后的奥运会上失去战斗力。

4.Buck saw Spitz run out from the crowd with his tongue out of his mouth, laughing.巴克看见斯皮兹从那群狗里钻出来,舌头耷拉在嘴巴外面,涎着脸笑着。

5.In Germany, poptician and privacy advocate Malte Spitz sued his carrier, Deutsche Telekom, to get all the information it had on him.在德国,政治家兼隐私提倡者毛特•斯贝茨起诉德国电信获取了他的全部个人信息。

6.But Spitz was always showing his teeth to Buck. And Buck knew that if he and Spitz fought, one of them would die.然而,斯皮兹总在寻衅滋事。巴克知道,如果它与斯皮兹打起来,两者必有一死。

7.One night in camp, the dogs saw a snow rabbit and in a second they were all chasing it, with Spitz in front.一天宿营的时候,这些狗看见了一只雪地野兔,刹那间便全都追赶上去。

8.But when he had eaten, and returned to his hole, he found Spitz in it.它吃完鱼,再回到自己的窝时,却发现斯皮兹呆在里头。

9.Spitz is the only person to win seven gold medals at one Olympics and he is one of only four athletes to earn nine career gold medals.他成为唯一一位在一届奥运会上赢得7枚金牌的运动员,也是四位获得9枚奥运金牌的运动员之一点击查看更多双语阅读

10.In the days that followed, Buck still continued to de-fend the other dogs against Spitz.在后来的日子里,巴克仍然继续保护其他的狗,与斯皮茨对抗。