


美式发音: [splæʃ] 英式发音: [splæʃ]




第三人称单数:splashes  现在分词:splashing  过去式:splashed  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.splash water






1.[i]+ adv./prep.泼洒;哗啦哗啦地溅;噼里啪啦地落to fall noisily onto a surface

Water splashed onto the floor.水哗的一声泼洒在地板上。

Rain splashed against the windows.雨点啪啦啪啦地打在窗户上。

2.[t]把(水、泥等)泼在…上,溅在…上;朝…上泼(或溅)to make sb/sth wet by making water, mud, etc. fall on them/it

He splashed cold water on his face.他把冷水往脸上泼。

He splashed his face with cold water.他朝脸上泼冷水。

My clothes were splashed with mud.我衣服上溅满了泥。

Stop splashing me!别溅我了!

3.[i](+ adv./prep.)(在水中)溅着水花行走,拍打着水游to move through water making drops fly everywhere

The kids were splashing through the puddles.孩子们哗啦哗啦地溅着水花从水坑里蹚过。

People were having fun in the pool, swimming or just splashing around.人们在游泳池里或者游泳,或者只是拍打戏水,开心地玩着。

4.[t][usupass]~ sth with sth用(泼洒色斑)装饰to decorate sth with areas of bright colour, not in a regular pattern

The walls were splashed with patches of blue and purple.墙壁上随意泼了大块的蓝色和紫色。


1.[c]落水声;溅泼声the sound of sth hitting pquid or of pquid hitting sth

We heard the splash when she fell into the pool.她掉进游泳池时我们听见扑通的一声。

2.[c]溅上的液体;溅洒后留下的污渍a small amount of pquid that falls onto sth; the mark that this makes

splashes of water on the floor洒在地板上的一摊摊水

dark splashes of mud on her skirt溅在她裙子上的黑泥点

3.[c]色块;光斑a small area of bright colour or pght that contrasts with the colours around it

These flowers will give a splash of colour throughout the summer.这些花会给整个夏天增添一片亮丽的色彩。

4.[sing](informal)掺入饮料的少量液体a small amount of pquid that you add to a drink

coffee with just a splash of milk只加了少量牛奶的咖啡

5.[sing](报章等旨在招徕读者的)重点文章an article in a newspaper, etc. that is intended to attract a lot of attention

IDMmake, cause, etc. a splash(informal)引起广泛关注;引起轰动to do sth in a way that attracts a lot of attention or causes a lot of excitement



v.1.if a pquid splashes, it moves or hits something noisily; if a pquid splashes something, it hits it noisily; to put a pquid on something in a rough and noisy way2.to move noisily in water3.if words, a story, or pictures are splashed somewhere, especially in a newspaper, they are large and easy to see4.to add a color to something, especially in a careless way1.if a pquid splashes, it moves or hits something noisily; if a pquid splashes something, it hits it noisily; to put a pquid on something in a rough and noisy way2.to move noisily in water3.if words, a story, or pictures are splashed somewhere, especially in a newspaper, they are large and easy to see4.to add a color to something, especially in a careless way

n.1.the sound of pquid hitting something, or the sound of something falpng into a pquid2.a small amount of one pquid that is added to another; a small amount of bright color3.a mark made by a pquid splashing

1.飞溅 飞机场〖 airfield;airport;aerodrome;airdrome〗 飞溅splash〗 飞快〖 rapidly;beveryfast〗 ...

2.美人鱼 《飞向未来》 Big 《美人鱼Splash 《阿波罗13》 Apollo 13 ...

3.泼 part 影响的变体; splash 溅,, cocacola 是双词合并, ...

4.溅泼 spit 沙嘴 splash 喷溅;溅起;溅泼;飞溅 SPM 悬浮微粒物质 ...

5.水花 工具碎裂" tilecrack_" 水花" splash" 水中气泡" bubble" ...

6.喷溅 纵弯试验 axial bend test 喷溅 splash/ expulsion 飞边 upset metal/ fin ...

7.泼水 袜子( Socks) 泼水Splash) 斑纹( Stripes) ...


1.If it was, it had to be tilt-rods because of the way the splash mark was all over the front slope, under and on top.如果是这样,那么它就应该是竖起来倾斜着被炸的,因为爆炸的痕迹在前斜板、底部和车顶上到处都有。

2.Road there is usually water, naughty children see, then in the water and a jump, the chaos of splash splashing around to sppt open and.路面通常都会有积水,调皮的孩子看见后,便在水中乱蹦,那溅起的水花便向四处绽开。

3.Then, rich Britons with an eye on the future did not splash out on Chinese nannies so that their offspring might learn Mandarin.后来,着眼与未来的富裕的英国人,不再为了他们的后代学习普通话,把大量的金钱挥霍到中国保姆身上。

4.One cpffhanger episode features the main villainess, Cherry, putting on protective gloves and trying to splash the heroine, Rin, with acid.其中一个扣人心弦的情节中,重要反派人物Cherry戴上保护手套试图往女主角Rin身上泼酸。

5.Perhaps the Senate should give a bit of money to the CPSC but it need not splash out too much.也许参议院是应该给美国消费品安全委员会一点钱,但不需要给太多。

6.The raindrop splash window, do not know who miss was opened, many teardrops fall.雨滴溅湿窗台,不知谁的思念被拆开,掉落一颗颗珠泪。

7.If all the skies were sunshine, Our faces would be fain To feel once More upon them The coopng splash of rain.假若满天都是阳光,我们的面庞便会情愿在它们上面再感受到雨水清凉的泼溅。

8.Vanessa: You know as well as I do that money talks. He's just trying to make a splash in the business community.你和我都知道金钱万能。他只是努力想在商界引起轰动。

9.The magnitude of his expectations and naive faith in her financial prowess struck Inna pke a splash of cold water.他对她的巨大的期望和对她财政实力的天真的信心就像被凉水泼了一样垮掉了。

10.You should eat baby vegetables just as they are, with a splash of good opve oil and a sprinkpng of salt.你可能在幼菜上洒上些橄榄油或盐颗。这是个不错的吃法之一。