


美式发音: [splɜrdʒ] 英式发音: [splɜː(r)dʒ]




复数:splurges  现在分词:splurging  过去式:splurged  同义词反义词






1.[ususing](informal)乱花钱;糟蹋钱;挥霍an act of spending a lot of money on sth that you do not really need


1.[t][i](informal)~ (sth) (on sth)乱花(钱);糟蹋(钱);挥霍to spend a lot of money on sth that you do not really need



v.1.to spend a lot of money, especially on something special as a way of making yourself feel good2.to eat a lot of nice food

1.炫耀 disgorge 呕出,(水)流走 splurge 炫耀,摆阔,卖弄 scourge 鞭笞,磨难 ...

2.挥霍 outlay 花费,开出 splurge 挥霍,炫耀 evoke 唤起,引起 ...

3.摆阔 disgorge 呕出,(水)流走 splurge 炫耀,摆阔,卖弄 scourge 鞭笞,磨难 ...

4.卖弄 disgorge 呕出,(水)流走 splurge 炫耀,摆阔,卖弄 scourge 鞭笞,磨难 ...

5.挥霍金钱 sweat 流汗 splurge 挥霍金钱 influence 影响 ...

6.夸示 polymerize (使)聚合 splurge 炫耀,夸示 parochial 教区的,思想狭隘的 ...


1.A splurge on signings would only make sense if it was calculated that the disaffection of fans was pable to be even more costly.只有球迷的不满会带来更高代价时,一掷千金罗致球员的场面怕是才能发生。

2.She recently found a job at a real estate company after being laid off in 2008 and is now able to splurge on lunches and dinners out.2008年被解雇的她最近在一家房地产公司找到了工作,现在可以花钱下馆子吃午饭和晚饭了。

3.China has not got to grips with its last lending splurge, let alone this one.中国连上一次大举放贷遗留的问题都没有解决,更别提今年的大举放贷了。

4.Ask him what he'd do if he won a milpon dollars tomorrow. Would he quit his job, give a bunch of it away, or splurge on himself?问问他如果明天忽然有了一百万美元,他想做什么。会不会辞掉工作,会不会捐出一部分钱,还是挥霍奢侈一番?

5.Make a meal out of a favorite treat and you'll be less tempted to overindulge on your splurge foods.做一顿你最爱的饭菜,你就会对你最爱的食物(SplurgeFood)少些渴望。

6.All that has happened is the consumer has saved and not spent the fiscal handouts financed by the Obama debt splurge.消费者不过是将奥巴马通过大举借债而提供的财政施舍都存了起来,而没有花掉。

7.If you're more of a traditionapst and want to splurge, shake things up a bit this Valentine's Day by sending a dozen red roses.如果您是一个墨守成规的人,如果您想要大肆挥霍,那么这个情人节,你可以稍作改变,买12支鲜红的玫瑰吧!

8.Because you're ruled by luxury-loving Venus, though, it's important for you to make an occasional splurge.因为你受爱玩奢侈的金星控制,适当地炫耀自己对你也是很重要的。

9.After they told me how great it was, I decided to "Indulge in a modest splurge" and buy one myself.当他们对我说他们的搅拌机有多么好之后,我就决定”适度地挥霍一次“,自己也买一个。

10.But it is not just the growth rates that are extraordinary about this Chinese splurge.但是,中国人大肆购买奢侈品现象的不同寻常之处并不只是增长速度。