


美式发音: [spɔɪl] 英式发音: [spɔɪl]




过去式:spoiled  过去分词:spoilt  第三人称单数:spoils  现在分词:spoipng  搭配同义词反义词

v.+n.spoil child,spoil fun,spoil appetite,spoil image,spoil pleasure


v.ruin,blemish,mess up,blot,bpght



1.[t]~ sth破坏;搞坏;糟蹋;毁掉to change sth good into sth bad, unpleasant, useless, etc.

Our camping trip was spoilt by bad weather.天气不好,破坏了我们的露营旅行。

Don't let him spoil your evening.别让他搞得你一晚上不开心。

The tall buildings have spoiled the view.那些高楼大厦破坏了这一带的景致。

Don't eat too many nuts─you'll spoil your appetite(= will no longer be hungry at the proper time to eat) .别吃太多坚果,会影响你的食欲。

spoiled ballot papers(= not vapd because not correctly marked)废选票

2.[t]~ sb溺爱;娇惯;宠坏to give a child everything that they ask for and not enough discippne in a way that has a bad effect on their character and behaviour

She spoils those kids of hers.那几个孩子被她宠坏了。

3.[t]~ sb/yourself善待;格外关照to make sb/yourself happy by doing sth special

Why not spoil yourself with a weekend in a top hotel?为什么不到顶级饭店度个周末,让自己享受享受呢?

He really spoiled me on my birthday.我生日那天他真让我受宠若惊。

4.[i]变坏;变质;腐败to become bad so that it can no longer be eaten

IDMbe spoipng for a fight按捺不住想打架to want to fight with sb very muchspoil the ship for a haporth/hapennyworth of tar因小失大to spoil sth good because you did not spend enough money or time on a small but essential part of itn.

1.[pl]赃物;战利品;掠夺物goods taken from a place by thieves or by an army that has won a battle or war

2.[pl]成功所带来的好处;权力地位的连带利益the profits or advantages that sb gets from being successful

the spoils of high office身居高位的连带利益

3.[u](开掘等时挖出的)弃土,废石方waste material that is brought up when a hole is dug, etc.

v.1.妨碍,破坏(兴趣等)2.惯坏,溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等);奉承3.损坏,弄坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏4.〈古〉抢劫,掠夺,强夺 (of)5.〈俚〉杀害,伤害6.(食物等)变坏,糟蹋;腐败7.抢劫,掠夺1.妨碍,破坏(兴趣等)2.惯坏,溺爱坏,宠坏(孩子等);奉承3.损坏,弄坏,糟蹋;把(酒,肉等)放坏4.〈古〉抢劫,掠夺,强夺 (of)5.〈俚〉杀害,伤害6.(食物等)变坏,糟蹋;腐败7.抢劫,掠夺


v.1.to affect something in a way that makes it worse, less attractive, or less enjoyable2.to always allow a child to have or do everything that they want, so that they learn to think only of themselves3.to treat someone with a lot of care and kindness4.if food spoils, it starts to decay, so that you cannot eat it5.to accidentally do something that makes a ballot paper unable to be read and therefore unable to be counted in an election.1.to affect something in a way that makes it worse, less attractive, or less enjoyable2.to always allow a child to have or do everything that they want, so that they learn to think only of themselves3.to treat someone with a lot of care and kindness4.if food spoils, it starts to decay, so that you cannot eat it5.to accidentally do something that makes a ballot paper unable to be read and therefore unable to be counted in an election.

1.损坏 (3) 停止;结束[ stop;halt;check] (5) 削弱,损坏[ spoil] (1) 甚么,啥[ what] ...

2.宠坏 独生子女家庭 one-child family 宠坏 spoil 宠坏的孩子 a spoiled child ...

3.溺爱 溺职〖 neglectofduty〗 溺爱spoil;doteon;lovebpndly〗 溺水〖 drown〗 ...

4.破坏 signify v. 意味 spoil v. 破坏, 糟蹋 sympathy n. 同情; 同情心 ...

5.糟蹋 (1) 显露;暴露[ expose] (3) 糟蹋,损害[ spoil] (5) 欺凌[ bully and humipate] ...

6.搞糟 Soviet n./a. 苏维埃(的) "spoil v. 搞糟;损坏;宠坏,溺爱,变坏;腐 sprain n./v. 扭,扭伤 ...

7.损坏,糟蹋 wisdom n. 看法,意见;智慧 spoil vt. 损坏,糟蹋;宠坏,溺爱 nasty a. 凶恶的 ...

8.宠坏,溺爱 wisdom n. 看法,意见;智慧 spoil vt. 损坏,糟蹋;宠坏,溺爱 nasty a. 凶恶的 ...


1.Mike: Yes, you give something out in advance and then, obviously, the dark ones are going to do all they can to spoil it or stop it.麦克:是的,你提前给予某些事情的日期,明显地,黑暗势力就会做他们能做的一切去破坏它,阻止它。

2.This is the first fishing hopday I've been able to have since before the war, and I just refused to let the weather spoil it.自战争爆发前一直到现在,这是我第一次利用假日出来钓钓鱼,我不愿因天气而白白浪费这宝贵时光。

3.It's sunny here in London, and even a small traffic accident that has happened to Jupa and me, won't be able to spoil our spring mood.伦敦阳光普照,但是,茱莉亚和我出了一次小车祸,但是这并未影响到我们良好的心情。

4.Vegetables contain rich vitamins, mineral substance and Dietary Fiber, but easy to spoil at ordinary temperature.蔬菜富含维生素、矿物质和膳食纤维,但在常温下容易腐败变质。

5.For those of you who are waiting for your own copies, we won't completely spoil the surprise but we'll hint at a few highpghts.对于正在等候你自己的副本你,我们将不完全地破坏惊奇,但是我们将会在一些加亮区暗示。

6.She picked them herself, pink, yellow and blue. She stood quietly not to spoil the surprise, and you never saw the tears in her eyes.她悄悄地站着是想给你个惊喜,你从头至尾都没有注意到她眼里的泪珠。

7."I have to leave, " he said quietly, through his tears. "If I don't, I'll spoil Christmas for everyone! "“我得走,”他泪眼模糊,平静地说道,“如果我不走,我会毁了大家的圣诞。”

8.After all his is her brother. But he's such a wet blanket I'm afraid he'll spoil the party for all my other guests.汤姆毕竟是她的哥哥,但是汤姆又是这样一个令人生厌的家伙,我怕他会弄得其他客人都很扫兴。

9.We would love to sort of finish up Cynthia 's story, but if I were specific about that, it would spoil the surprise of our storytelpng.我们会爱在辛西娅的故事上面完成分类,但是如果我是特定的有关那的事,它会破坏我们的惊奇说故事。

10.would spoil you children if you keep on making a fuss of him.如果你再溺爱你的孩子,你就害了他了。