




1.海绵宝宝海绵宝宝(sponge bob)我看过一集, 挺有意思的"抓住最新时尚信息,不再让美丽从身旁错过 支持(0) 中立(0) 反对(0) 加好友 发短 …

2.海绵鲍勃是作为海绵鲍勃(SPONGE BOB)的BIG大小的罐子一揽子!是把作为一点时髦对茄克以及套,手提包视为好东西罐子一揽子,但是 …

3.棉球方块历险记《棉球方块历险记》(Sponge Bob)可怜的小车天空中的不明物亲密接触自制太阳能汽车不走正路的圣诞老人巨足好大的洗脚 …

4.海绵鲍伯“海绵鲍伯”(Sponge Bob)确实是一个非常受欢迎的卡通,我认为很风行的原因,主要是海绵鲍伯是一个非常可爱海绵的样子,很 …

5.海绵宝宝饼干海绵宝宝饼干(Sponge bob)Angry Birds Biscuits ShoutMix chat widgetView my complete profile Labels: 面包 珊珊幸福烘焙站 A …

6.因为海绵宝宝因为海绵宝宝 (sponge Bob)是他的最爱 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO!


1.Six players scored in double figures, the point guard defense was a porous as Sponge Bob and they don't show many signs of improving.其中六名队员得分上双,对于控卫的防守还是充满漏洞,这方面看不出他们有任何长进。

2.if you bepeve in yourself and with a tiny pinch of magic, all your dreams can come true . -- sponge bob ?如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气,那你所以梦想就都能实现。-海绵宝宝

3.After the cancellation of his show, Sponge Bob was forced to take any job he could get. . .取消了他的节目后,海绵宝宝被强迫干他可以干的任何工作…

4.He also talked about her love for Sponge Bob and what its pke raising her without her famous mama, Anna Nicole Smith.他说丹妮琳喜欢海绵宝宝,就像是他们代替她的妈妈安娜抚育她一样。

5.Sponge Bob isn't the best tattoo pick for a bridesmaid.海绵宝宝不是伴娘的最佳纹身。

6.Television viewing data show that Sponge Bob is watched by very young children.另据尼尔森电视收视情况显示,“海绵宝宝”的受众都是非常年幼的儿童。

7.I especially pke those small valentine's cards; they are often come from cartoon characters, such as snow white, Cinderella, or Sponge Bob.我特别喜欢小学生的情人卡,它们都是卡通人物,象白雪公主、灰姑娘和海绵巴布。

8.How about Sponge Bob?叫海绵宝宝怎么样?。