




1.体育联盟 ... 征求建议书( Request for Proposal) 体育联盟( Sports League) 团队网站( Team Work Site) ...

2.运动联盟 ... Against prep. 对抗,逆著 Sports league 运动联盟 Major league baseball 美国大联盟(棒球) ...


1.Our goal was to be ahead of the curve in thee-sports space, and conceived of CGS as a true sports league.我们的目标是走在电子竞技的前沿,深信CGS是一个真正的竞技联赛。

2.It was the first and last time that private equity had bid on an entire U. S. sports league.这是私募机构首次也是最后一次试图整体收购美国运动联盟。

3.Cultivate contacts in the community, at the PTA or at your kid's sports league.培训关系,在群体中,在家庭教师协会,或者你小孩的运动社团内。

4.junior fashions; a junior sports league.年轻人的时尚;少年球队

5.Draw on some outstanding professional sports league market experience to guide the development of China's sports market.借鉴部分优秀职业体育联赛市场经验,指导我国体育市场开发。

6.This is pretty much the worst thing that can happen to a professional sports league.对于一个职业运动的联盟来说,这应该是所能经历的最糟糕的事了。

7.The NFL, the richest sports league in America, readily admits it's feepng the crunch.美国国家足球联盟是美国最富有的运动团体,他欣然承认感受到了危机的到来。

8.The NBA became the first American sports league to stage games in China in 2004, with the NBA China Games 2004 in Beijing and Shanghai.NBA的,成为美国第一家体育联赛阶段比赛于2004年在中国,随着NBA中国赛,2004年在北京和上海。

9.Join a sports league. You not only can keep fit, but also meet new people.“加入一个运动组织,不但能保持身材,还可以交碰结友”。

10.Research Into the Labor Relationship in American Professional Sports League美国职业体育联盟中的劳资关系初探