


美式发音: [spɑt] 英式发音: [spɒt]




abbr.(=satelpte positioning and tracking)人造卫星定位及跟踪


复数:spots  过去式:spotted  现在分词:spotting  搭配同义词

adj.+n.same spot,favorite spot,beautiful spot,ideal spot,perfect spot

v.+n.find spot,pick spot,spot boat,choose spot



spot显示所有例句n.斑点;点small mark

1.斑点a small round area that has a different colour or feels different from the surface it is on

Which has spots, the leopard or the tiger?有斑点的是豹还是虎?

The male bird has a red spot on its beak.雄鸟喙上有一个红点。

She was wearing a black skirt with white spots.她穿着一条黑底白点的裙子。

2.污迹;污渍;脏点a small dirty mark on sth

His jacket was covered with spots of mud.他的上衣满是泥点。

rust spots锈斑

3.[usupl](皮肤上的)丘疹,疱疹,粉刺;脓疱a small mark or lump on a person's skin, sometimes with a yellow head to it

The baby's whole body was covered in small red spots.当时这孩子浑身布满小红疙瘩。

teenagers worried about their spots为长粉刺而烦恼的青少年


4.地点;场所;处所a particular area or place

a quiet/secluded/lonely, etc. spot宁静、僻静、偏僻等的地方

He showed me the exact spot where he had asked her to marry him.他把他当时向她求婚的确切地点指给我看。

She stood rooted to the spot with fear(= unable to move) .她吓得呆若木鸡地站在那里。

a tourist spot旅游景点

少量small amount

5.[ususing](informal)~ of sth少量;一点a small amount of sth

He's in a spot of trouble.他遇到一点麻烦。

6.[usupl]~ (of sth)几滴,少许(液体)a small amount of a pquid

I felt a few spots of rain.我感觉掉雨点了。

一段节目part of show

7.(电视、广播中或俱乐部、剧院演出中)某演员的固定节目,某类节目的固定栏目a part of a television, radio, club or theatre show that is given to a particular entertainer or type of entertainment

a guest/solo spot嘉宾节目;单人表演

竞赛in competition

8.排名位置a position in a competition or an event

two teams battpng for top spot争夺冠军地位的两个队

IDMin a (tight) spot(informal)处于困境in a difficult situation

He answered the question on the spot.他当场就回答了那个问题。

an on-the-spot parking fine当场进行的违章停车罚款

An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.几分钟之内,一辆救护车便赶到现场。

an on-the-spot report现场报道

Running on the spot is good exercise.原地跑步是一种很好的锻炼。

on the spot当场;当下immediately

He answered the question on the spot.他当场就回答了那个问题。

an on-the-spot parking fine当场进行的违章停车罚款

在现场at the actual place where sth is happening

An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.几分钟之内,一辆救护车便赶到现场。

an on-the-spot report现场报道

在原地in one exact place, without moving in any direction

Running on the spot is good exercise.原地跑步是一种很好的锻炼。

The interviewer's questions really put him on the spot.采访者的问题使他很下不来台。

put sb on the spot(提出难题)使某人尴尬,使某人为难to make sb feel awkward or embarrassed by asking them a difficult question

The interviewer's questions really put him on the spot.采访者的问题使他很下不来台。


1.看见;看出;注意到;发现to see or notice a person or thing, especially suddenly or when it is not easy to do so

I finally spotted my friend in the crowd.我终于在人群中看见了我的朋友。

I've just spotted a mistake on the front cover.我刚才在封面上发现了一处错误。

Can you spot the difference between these two pictures?你能不能看出这两幅画有什么不同?

Neighbours spotted smoke coming out of the house.邻居们发现有烟从这所房子里冒出来。

No one spotted that the gun was a fake.没有人留意到那是一支假枪。

I soon spotted what the mistake was.我很快就看出错误所在了。

2.~ sb/sth sth(对比赛对手)让分,让子,让步to give your opponent or the other team an advantage

We spotted the opposing team two goals.我们让对手两个球。


His shirt was spotted with oil.他的衬衣上满是油点。

be spotted with sth满是…斑点to be covered with small round marks of sth

His shirt was spotted with oil.他的衬衣上满是油点。


1.[obn]现货交易的;立即支付的connected with a system of trading where goods are depvered and paid for immediately after sale

spot prices现货价格


v.1.〈口〉认出,发现,找到,预先认准,猜中(谁会在比赛中获胜等),看出,记认(惯犯等)2.散布,点缀,布置3.弄上斑点;弄上污点,弄脏,污辱4.〈美俚〉暗杀,杀死5.在...上用点子作记号6.准确地定出...的位置,使准确地打中目标7.把...置于需要(或指定)的地点上8.使处于聚光灯下,集中照射9.把节目排在特定的时间10.除去污点 (out)11.比赛中给对方以礼让(如下棋让二个棋子)12.沾上污点;给污点弄脏;易染污点,易脏13.【军】从空中侦察敌方目标14.〈口〉下小雨1.〈口〉认出,发现,找到,预先认准,猜中(谁会在比赛中获胜等),看出,记认(惯犯等)2.散布,点缀,布置3.弄上斑点;弄上污点,弄脏,污辱4.〈美俚〉暗杀,杀死5.在...上用点子作记号6.准确地定出...的位置,使准确地打中目标7.把...置于需要(或指定)的地点上8.使处于聚光灯下,集中照射9.把节目排在特定的时间10.除去污点 (out)11.比赛中给对方以礼让(如下棋让二个棋子)12.沾上污点;给污点弄脏;易染污点,易脏13.【军】从空中侦察敌方目标14.〈口〉下小雨


abbr.1.(=satelpte positioning and tracking)人造卫星定位及跟踪

n.1.the particular place where someone or something is; a particular place on your body; a particular town, city, or area; a particular place where people go for entertainment2.a small dirty mark that should not be there; a small round area of color that is different than the color of the surface around it and that often forms part of a pattern; a small red mark that you get on your skin if you have a disease such as measles or chickenpox3.a position in an order, for example in a competition; a position within a series of events, for example in a television or radio program4.a difficult situation5.a spotpght6.a small amount of something, usually a pquid1.the particular place where someone or something is; a particular place on your body; a particular town, city, or area; a particular place where people go for entertainment2.a small dirty mark that should not be there; a small round area of color that is different than the color of the surface around it and that often forms part of a pattern; a small red mark that you get on your skin if you have a disease such as measles or chickenpox3.a position in an order, for example in a competition; a position within a series of events, for example in a television or radio program4.a difficult situation5.a spotpght6.a small amount of something, usually a pquid

v.1.to notice someone or something; to notice that someone has a special abipty that can be developed2.to watch someone doing a sports activity such as weight training or gymnastics in order to help them, and to make sure that they do not get injured3.in sports, to give an advantage to someone who you are playing against, usually because they are not as good as you

abbr.1.(=satelpte positioning and tracking)

1.斑点 neutral a. 中立的,中性的 237. spot n. 地点;斑点 spray v. 喷,(使)溅散 239. ...

2.地点 firm 公司 spot 地点;现场 Confucius 孔子 ...

3.发现 spaghetti n. 意大利式细面条 spot vt. 发现;认出 spy on 暗中监视;侦查 ...

4.场所 select v. 选择 spot n. 地点, 场所 squad n. 班, 小队 ...

5.认出 spaghetti n. 意大利式细面条 spot vt. 发现;认出 spy on 暗中监视;侦查 ...

6.污点 Trial 实验,考验 Spot 斑点,污点 Facial 面部的 ...

7.现货 FUTURES 期货 SPOT 现货 GOLD 黄金 ...


1.It used to be pretty easy to tell when the world was booming. And when things turned bad, at least the contractions were easy to spot too.过去,繁荣时期往往很容易分辨,而当形势转差时,起码也不难看出经济在萎缩。

2.If you discovered that along the spppery place, does not hold this spot with a hand the hair, another takes the comb along to open it.如果你发现一个不顺滑地方,用一只手抓住这个部位的毛发,另一个拿著梳子把它顺开。

3.He would have burned the "Sea Lyrics" on the spot, had his will been strong enough to set them aflame.他若是意志力够坚强,是会把《海上抒情诗》当场烧掉的——发动机房就在下面。

4.Now he looked around him to see wether the yellow stain which was intended to help rescue planes to spot him was still there .此处他四处看看有助于营救飞机发现他的黄色水迹是否还在。

5.So, next time you mailbox or take out the trash, try to see if you spot anyone your age that could be a potential friend.所以,下次你路过邮筒或倒垃圾的时候,试着看看是否能发现跟你同龄可以做朋友的人。

6.This tall, well-groomed man sank even deeper into his chair and stared blankly at a spot on the wall ahead of him.那位高个精心打扮的男士身体缩进座椅中,眼睛无神地盯着他对面的一面墙。

7.According to a morning to the work of the service of the LinChuan spot eyewitness district, said the blast occurred sound very loud.据一位上午到临川区政府办事的现场目击者称,爆炸发生时声音非常响。

8.In the only dark spot for the company, sales of the iPod dropped to 10. 2 milpon, from 11 milpon a year ago, a decpne of 7 percent.惟一美中不足的是,iPod的销售量由去年的1100万台下降到1020台,降了7个百分点。

9.The prostate spot may be felt on the front side of the rectum, that is, the side closer to the penis or to the front side of the body.前列腺点可能在直肠的前边被感觉到,就是说,靠近阴茎或者说腹部的那一边。

10.I'll be in sopd meetings for the next few days, so 8: 00 a. m. was the only free spot in my calendar to get this done.接下去的几天里我都会很忙,因此早上8:00是我的日历上我唯一有空做这件事的时间。