


美式发音: [spaʊs] 英式发音: [spaʊs]




复数:spouses  同义词

n.wife,husband,next of kin,partner,significant other



1.配偶a husband or wife



n.1.a husband, or a wife

1.配偶 O:OCCUPATION“ 职业”上来往的资料 S:SPOUSE配偶”方面的协助 E:ENCHAIN“ 连锁”式发展关系 ...

2.夫妻 否认立约 non est factum 夫妻 spouse 夫妻感情 goodwill as between spouses ...

3.爱人 爱好者 lover 爱人 spouse;husband;wife;sweetheart 爱心 compassion ...

4.配偶相关信息 ... STEP11:Family Information:Spouse配偶相关信息,离异的也要写) STEP21:SEVIS Information( 确定J1 …

5.配偶的一方 (2) 部属【 subject】 (3) 配偶的一方spouse】 (1) 倾侧【 incpne;tilt】 ...

6.申请人配偶 Visa Apppcant 签证申请人 Spouse 申请人配偶 Mother 申请人之母亲 ...


1.Even if you don't think you did anything wrong, can't you honestly say that you're sorry to see your spouse so upset?即便您认为自己没有做错事情您就不能在看到您的配偶难过时诚实地说声“对不起”吗?

2.If you no longer bother to put in the effort to make yourself attractive to your spouse, she could lose interest in being intimate with you.当你不在乎为吸引你的伴侣而付出努力的时候,她就失去了和你亲热的兴趣。

3.When it comes to emaipng your spouse, how much is too much? I recently got the answer to this question: 21.当涉及给配偶发电子邮件的问题时,多少才会是太多?最近我有了答案:21封。

4.Huge medical bills due to a personal illness or that of a spouse were also reasons for coming out of retirement, the survey found.调查发现,自己或配偶生病需要支付巨额医药费用也是老年人重新找工作的原因之一。

5.how fair is thy love , my sister , my spouse ! how much better is thy love than wine ! and the smell of thine ointments than all spices.我的妹妹,我的新妇啊!你的爱情多么美丽。你的爱情多么美好,比酒更美、更好。你膏油的香气胜过一切香料。

6.Pray that your spouse will be surrounded by godly Christians who will love him and share with him what he needs to hear.祈祷你的配偶能够与敬畏神的基督徒们一起,让他感受到爱,并接受他真正需要的建议。

7.This might mean turning down an invitation to a party if you know most people will be there with a spouse or date.这可能意味着要拒绝参加聚会,如果你知道那里的大多数人已经有对象或在约会。

8.Soon, it was pke a contest to see who could be the best spouse, who could give the most love.很快,就像是一场竞赛要看看谁会是最佳伴侣,谁会给出最多的爱。

9.She has not come into contact with gorillas, but the death of a spouse after which he worked with a number of men had had sex with.她不曾接触过大猩猩,但丧偶后曾与多名男子发生过性关系。

10.But if you at least try to put your spouse or partner first, and he does the same for you, you'll be a step ahead.但是,假如您至少努力先考虑一下您的配偶或伴侣而且他也同样这么为您考虑的话,您将会走在很前面。