




1.广泛传播 ... 无线传播 wireless broadcast 广泛传播 spread widely 传播开 spread ...


1.Fortunately most of these programs did not spread widely - the majority of such malware died when disks were reformatted or upgraded.幸运的是,这些软件大多没有广泛传播-这些恶意软件时,大多数死亡的磁盘格式化或升级。

2.The mobile phone as up-to-date mobile communication tool was now spread widely and beginning to replace the status of fixed telephone.手机作为现代移动通信工具已经广为普及,并已开始取代固定电话。

3.developed it into a beautiful dance form with a strong local flavor, which spread widely among themselves.朝鲜民族把它发展为富有民族色彩的、优美的舞蹈形式,在民间广泛流传。

4.The works with deep race characteristics of the music person had been spread widely during the War against Japan and the Liberation War.抗日战争和解放战争时期,带有鲜明民族特色的朝鲜族音乐人的作品被广为传唱。

5.The truth spread widely to drown out all the pes that the colonel broadcast over the airwaves.真相得到了广泛传播,戳穿了他通过电视和广播传递的所有谎言。

6.e. g. Her muffin top spread widely over the top of her tight-fitting jeans.她腰上难看的肥肉全露在她的紧身牛仔裤外。

7.When the population rebounded, those genes were spread widely as the small number of survivors gave rise to all pving descendants.群体数量回升时,这一小部分存活者产生后代,那些基因便被广泛传播开了。

8.Centre for Disease Control and Prevention officials bepeve this outbreak will not spread widely in the United States.不过美国疾病控制和预防中心的官员认为,这场疫情不会在美国大规模传播。

9.These printed mistakes could suddenly spread widely and therefore they were considered to be more dangerous to society.这些印刷错误可能会在极短时间内广泛传播,对社会造成更大的危害。

10.WORD OF THE DAY - disseminate: to scatter or spread widely. The scientist's findings have been widely disseminated .散播;宣传这位科学家的发现,已经被广为流传。