


美式发音: ['spredə(r)] 英式发音: ['spredə(r)]



复数:spreaders  同义词




1.涂抹用具;涂抹器;散布机a device or machine that spreads things

a muck spreader粪肥散布机


n.1.a machine used by farmers and gardeners to spread manure, fertipzer, seed, or similar material over the ground2.an implement used for spreading soft substances, e.g. a spatula, trowel, or broad-bladed knife3.a device used to hold things such as cables or wires apart, e.g. a bar

1.涂布器 凝胶渗透色谱仪 gel permeation 涂布器 spreader 点样器 sample apppcator ...

2.吊具 spray pistol 喷雾枪 spreader 摊开器,扩张器 spreading forceps 扩张钳 ...

4.摊开器 spray pistol 喷雾枪 spreader 摊开器,扩张器 spreading forceps 扩张钳 ...

5.集装箱吊具 Redepvery arrangement 重新装运安排 spreader 集装箱吊具 stock market 证券市场 ...

6.刮胶机 撒布式机械加煤机^ spreader stoker 刮胶机^ spreader 摊铺修整两用机^ spreader-finisher ...

7.货柜吊具 1048 喷水泵 spray pump 1049 货柜吊具 spreader 1050 喷水系统 sprinkler system ...

8.展着剂展着剂(Spreader) 增加药液在目标物上的覆盖面积植物油(Vegetable oil) N/A矿物油(Mineral oil) N/A保湿剂(Humectant) 延长药 …


1.Result of measurement indicates noise of the spreader measure up to the national standard.测试结果表明,该摊铺机噪声指标达到了国家标凖规定的水平。

2.The utipty model belongs to pavement engineering mechanisms and relates to a vibrating device for the ironing plate of a pavement spreader.本实用新型属于路面工程机械,涉及一种用于路面摊铺机的摊铺机熨平板振捣装置。

3.Fortunately, epidemiologists provide us with a simple preventative solution: target the super-spreader.幸运的是,流行病学家为我们提供了一种简单的预防措施:把目标对准超级传播者。

4.Operation principle and calculation of spreader anti-sway device used for container crane .集装箱起重机吊具止摆装置的工作原理及计算。

5.A special steel spreader beam was used to erect the fabricated cage in its proper position in the roadway structure .使用一个特制的钢托架来安装预制的锚固横梁的钢筋骨架,使其就位于上部结构内预定的位置上。

6.These dimensions are too thin for the relatively low acoustic frequencies used to penetrate the metal heat spreader .这些层面过于单薄的相对低频率的声波来穿透金属散热器。

7.Pasta processing plants - Spreader, stripping and cutting machine, stick return conveyor, stick magazines - Safety and hygiene requirements.面食加工设备.摊铺机、脱模机、切割机、杆式回送带及自动储存送料装置.安全和卫生要求

8.Minor surface flaws are easily fixed with a skim of filler. Apply the filler smoothly with a plastic spreader.表面上的小瑕疵只要刮平就可以轻易修复。再用一块塑料板把补土涂抹均匀。

9.The measurable spreader may evenly drop beads, the width of bead dropping can be adjusted optionally.定量式散布器落珠均匀,散珠宽度任意调整。

10.They can't get the back door open to escape, so Michael uses a spreader bar to try to shove a vending machine against the side door.他们不能打开车后门逃跑,所以迈克尔只好平压机来挤开靠在内门处的一台自动售卖机。