

spring snow

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1.春雪 春雪 corn snow 春雪 spring snow 唇板 hypostoma ...

2.阳春白雪 ... 平沙落雁 Wild Geese On The Sands 阳春白雪 Spring Snow 霸王卸甲 Ambush on All Sides ...

3.春之雪 人斩 / Hitokiri / Tenchu! 春雪 / 春之雪 / Spring Snow 黑蜥蜴 / Kurotokage / Black Lizard ...

4.海棠-春雪 ... M. Pink Spire 海棠-粉屋顶 M. Spring Snow 海棠-春雪 M. Dolgo 海棠-道 …

5.春天的雪 早餐 breakfast 春天的雪 Spring snow 春意 Spring ...

6.明前雪青 ... 五岳独尊茶 Sovereign of The Five Mountains Tea 明前雪青 Spring Snow 青山绿水 Green Landsca…

7.四月雪天 雪中的建筑工地 work in the snow 四月雪天 spring snow 哈~ 在那儿 wow~ got it! ...

8.前一篇春天的雪 ... 后一篇:三月樱花红 Cherry in March < 前一篇春天的雪 Spring snow 前一篇:春天的雪 Spring snow ...


1.Spring snow is boundless, in the new! Merry Christmas and a happy New Year! Special, everything.初春雪漫漫,人间处处新!春节快乐,新年幸福!辞旧迎新,心想事成。

2.Four indicators were decpning: Arctic sea ice, glaciers, spring snow cover in the northern hemisphere and stratospheric temperatures.有4个指标有所下降:北极海冰面积、冰川面积、北半球春季积雪以及平流层气温。

3.This means that changes in spring snow and ice matter more than changes at other times of the year.这也表明春季冰雪数量的变化对地球表面气温的作用要比其他任何时候更为重要。

4.Three are falpng: Arctic sea ice, glaciers and spring snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere.有三项指标呈下降趋势:北极海洋冰面积、北半球冰川面积和春季积雪面积。

5.Early Spring Snow, to blossom, Xiaoying shame to the green grass , the cream -green leaves, flowers Yingxue Fu Hung.雪里开花到春晓,笑迎羞草出绿时,健叶经霜绿,福花映雪红。

6.China Beijing Zoo, spring snow in March. Bear. Photo by KaKa.中国北京动物园,春天三月雪。

7.A Utah prairie dog emerges to forage in spring snow.一只犹太大草原狗在春天雪融化后出现,去找寻食物。

8.Formation and forecast of spring snow-disaster weather in the eastern pasture-area of Qinghai-Xizang Plateau青藏高原东部牧区春季雪灾天气的形成及其预报

9.1 Yearly variations of the winter-spring snow of the whole Tibetan Plateau and its 5 polynomial fit (the smooth thick sopd pne)基本一致。图1青藏高原平均的冬春积雪标准化序列的年际变化及其5阶多项式拟合(光滑粗实线)

10.Influence of Eurasian spring snow cover on Asian summer rainfall欧亚春季雪盖对亚洲夏季降水的影响