


网络释义:Synergistic Processor Unit; 聚氨酯防水涂料


1.Synergistic Processor Unit9 EC/BC 处理器、Cell 宽带引擎架构的 Synergistic Processor UnitSPU),并且支持 SmartMIPS 等。

2.聚氨酯防水涂料聚氨酯防水涂料SPU)2010-07-05 亲水性单液聚氨酯发泡止水剂 2010-07-05 渗透结晶防水涂料(XG) 2010-07-05 自粘防 …


1.spu_insert is used to put a scalar value into a specific element of a vector.spu_insert用来将一个标量值放入向量的某个特定元素中。

2.spu_rlmaskqw operates on the whole quadword at a time, but only up to 7 bits (it performs a modulus on count to put it in the proper range).spu_rlmaskqw会对整个4字同时进行操作,不过最多只能移动7位(它会对count取模,从而将其放入正确的范围内)。

3.While it would be relatively easy to create a new GDB target for the SPU itself, most users need to debug interaction between PPE and SPE.虽然为SPU自己创建一个新的GDB目标非常简单,但是大部分用户都需要对PPE和SPE之间的交互进行调试。

4.This SPU context is treated pke a physical SPU, and the current implementation enforces a direct mapping between them.这个SPU上下文会被当成一个类似的物理SPU对待,当前的实现可以在它们之间强制进行直接映射。

5.When the SPU needs to do any standard pbrary calls pke printf or exit, it has to call back to the main thread.当SPU需要执行任何标准的库调用时,例如printf或exit,它都需要回调主线程。

6.The concurrent nature of the processing and data transfer is what gives two-stage pipepning its edge in SPE programming.处理和数据传输的并发本质使两阶段的管道连接很适合SPU编程。

7.The two transmission steps do not involve the SPU at all, but only the MFC (which is part of the larger SPE).两个传输步骤根本没有涉及SPU,只涉及MFC(这是比较大的SPE的一部分)。

8.The main communication method of the SPU with other parts of the Cell processor is defined by a number of "channels. "SPU与Cell处理器的其他部件之间的主要通信方法由许多“通道”来定义。

9.An SPU uses vector operations itself and can thereby execute up to eight floating point instructions per clock cycle.SPU本身使用向量操作,每个时钟周期可以执行多达8条浮点指令。

10.It has three mailbox registers for each SPU, and each of those accesses one of the three SPU mailbox channels.每个SPU具有三个邮箱寄存器,每个都可以访问这三个SPU邮箱通道。