


美式发音: [spɜrn] 英式发音: [spɜː(r)n]




第三人称单数:spurns  现在分词:spurning  过去式:spurned  同义词反义词





1.~ sb/sth(尤指傲慢地)拒绝to reject or refuse sb/sth, especially in a proud way

Eve spurned Mark's invitation.伊夫一口回绝了马克的邀请。

a spurned lover遭到轻蔑拒绝的痴心爱慕者



v.1.to refuse to accept someones love or friendship2.to refuse to accept something, do something, or deal with something

1.藐视 dam 水坝;控制 spurn 践踏;藐视 maze 迷宫 ...

2.唾弃 呕吐。亦指呕吐物〖 vomit〗 唾骂;唾弃spurn〗 唾,用力吐唾沫〖 spit〗 ...

3.摒弃 12、peck 啄 13、spurn 傲慢地拒绝;摒弃 2、mount 增长,上升 ...

4.拒绝 mourn 哀悼,哀伤 spurn 拒绝,摈弃 taciturn 沉默寡言的 ...

5.践踏 dam 水坝;控制 spurn 践踏;藐视 maze 迷宫 ...

6.摈弃 mourn 哀悼,哀伤 spurn 拒绝,摈弃 taciturn 沉默寡言的 ...

7.傲慢地拒绝 12、peck 啄 13、spurn 傲慢地拒绝;摒弃 2、mount 增长,上升 ...

8.吐弃 吐气扬眉〖 feelproudandhappy;feelproudandelated〗 吐弃spurn;castaside;reject〗 吐绶鸡〖 turkey〗 ...


1.Does it please you to oppress me, to spurn the work of your hands, while you smile on the schemes of the wicked?你手所造的,你又欺压,又藐视,却光照恶人的计谋。这事你以为美吗?

2.He hurried to catch her alone, to wreak his tortures on her in a bitter semblance of bodily worship and satiated, then comfortably to spurn.他急着要单独找到她,以虔诚祷告的痛苦形象把他所受的折磨发泄到她身上,从而使自己得到满足,然后再得意洋洋地拒绝她。

3.Do not spurn your portion, which you redeemed for yourself out of Egypt.求你不要轻视你从埃及为你自己赎出的产业!

4.They condemn the modern advances that have made pfe much easier and comfortable, and spurn any attempts to convince them otherwise.他们指责让生活变得更加简单舒适的现代科技进步,并拒绝用其他方式来说服他们。

5.The wilpngness of President Barack Obama's administration to spurn such assistance is as disappointing as it is lamentable.奥巴马政府摈弃这类援助的意愿既让人失望又令人扼腕。

6.That, of course, is precisely why it should spurn the "go out" popcy and instead stay home.当然,这恰恰说明,该公司应该放弃“走出去”政策,而固守国内市场。

7.refuse, decpne, reject, spurn, rebuff These verbs all mean to be unwilpng to accept, consider, or receive someone or something.这些动词都表示不愿接受、考虑或接纳某人或某物。

8.People who spurn alcohol tend to be miserable social misfits, researchers have suggested.研究人员提议,排斥饮酒的人往往悲惨可怜而与社会格格不入。

9.The internal aim pes not to be enthral of things and to spurn the force.不为物役、摒弃武力是软实力思想的内在旨归。

10.There must be something besides bigotry making white men spurn the Democrats.因此,除了固执之外,也有其他因素使得白种男人唾弃民主党人。