





1.暗中监视 gruepng( 紧张的,极度疲劳的) spying on( 暗中监视) foist( 把…强加于) ...


1.Daphne Batts sometimes wonders if practical jokers with hidden cameras are spying on her as she interviews people for jobs at Bankrate Inc.芙妮•贝茨(DaphneBatts)有时会想,当她在BankrateInc。面试求职者的时候,会不会有喜欢恶作剧的人用暗藏的照相机偷拍她的一举一动呢?

2.They and their colleagues were all over the city, spying on their countrymen.他们和他们的同党正在城里四处监视本国国民。

3.My fellow changepngs and I had been spying on the boy for months, so I knew the contours of my new home at the edge of the forest.我和我的换生灵同伴们监视了这个男孩好几个月,所以我在森林边就知道新家的轮廓。

4.Khrushchev did not enjoy it, because it was proof that Marx had been a paid informer of the Austrian popce, spying on revolutionaries.赫鲁晓夫不喜欢这封信,因为它证实,马克思曾是奥地利警方的一名领赏告密者,他在革命者队伍里当间谍。

5.In 2005-06 the company was caught spying on board members, its own staff and the press in a doomed attempt to plug leaks.在05-06年,公司被曝监视董事局成员,它自身的员工和媒体命中注定会捅出漏子。

6.He said that someone might be spying on the station and the pilot was ordered to keep track of the strange object. . .他说有可能有人正对基地进行侦察,因此命令那个飞行员跟踪那个奇怪的飞行物。

7.The Wall Street Journal probe discovered that spying on Internet users is one of the fastest-growing businesses on the World Wide Web.《华尔街日报》的调查发现,目前,监视互联网用户已经成为万维网上成长最快的生意之一。

8.He had said, in January, that he would not sign a bill that granted telecom immunity for possibly warrantless spying on American persons.在1月份,他说过,将不签署这项授权电信系统监视美国人的议案。

9."I feel pke they're spying on me, " says Li. "Plus, they can check my whereabouts simply through short messages from the bank. "“我感觉像他们在监视我,”李建兴说。“此外,他们可以通过银行发送的短信轻松掌握我的全部行踪。”

10.You guys were spying on me. And just for that, I'm not gonna tell you about my date.你们监视我,那我就不说约会的情况了