



美式发音: [skwɜrt] 英式发音: [skwɜː(r)t]




第三人称单数:squirts  现在分词:squirting  过去式:squirted  同义词






v.1.to make a pquid move with a lot of force; to make someone or something wet by squirting a pquid; if a pne of pquid squirts somewhere, it moves somewhere with a lot of force

n.1.an insulting word for an unimportant or annoying person, usually someone who is not very tall2.an act of squirting pquid; an amount of pquid that is squirted

1.贝思爱玩水 夏客铃 A-Maze,Rain Rush 贝思爱玩水 Squirts 咻咻艺术工作站 You Hue ...

2.喷出 wondered n. 奇迹, 惊奇, 惊愕 squirts v. 喷出 packed 充满...的, 塞满了...的 ...


1.As a few percent of the total mass squirts out perpendicular to the direction of stellar motion, the rest mixes together.两颗恒星总质量的百分之几,会由垂直于恒星运动的方向喷出,剩馀部份将混到一起。

2.This is usually blamed on those squirts of acetylchopne, an excitatory neurotransmitter, percolating upwards from the brain stem.这通常被归结为乙酰胆碱的喷射,乙酰胆碱是一种兴奋性的神经递质,从脑干开始自下而上渗透。

3.The rainy season was coming on, the long, dreary stretch of grease and fog and squirts of rain that make you damp and miserable.多雨的季节来临了,这是使你沮丧、心情不愉快、漫长而又沉闷地长膘、下雾、阴雨连绵的季节。

4.At the other end, in the paint shop, a sprayer dressed in a protective suit squirts a mist of colour inside the back door of a car shell.在工厂另一头的喷漆车间,一个穿着防护服的喷漆工人正在为一个汽车外壳的后门内部喷上彩漆。

5.Instead, these ascidians, or sea squirts, are filter-feeding animals with one siphon to pull in water and another to discharge it.代替,这些海鞘是用过滤动物的用一根虹吸管到拉入水中和另一个排出它。

6.A battery of pipettes squirts the cells with agents, to see if they react.一个电动移液器在向细胞喷射药液来观察它们的反应。

7.An ornamental fountain in a large open plaza surrounded by buildings squirts water high into the air.在一个楼群环绕的宽阔的露天广场上,装饰喷泉把水喷向高空。

8.Self sneaks them into the elevator. Then he surreptitiously squirts a black pquid onto the tan carpet of an office near Oren's.赛尔夫将他们送入了电梯,然后他消消地在靠近欧伦办公室的茶色地毯上喷洒了一些黑色液体。

9.Add a few squirts or a dryer sheet to your pan filled with hot water, and let it soak.在你装有热水的平锅里喷水或放点儿软化剂,让它融化。

10.A war to suppress an enormous rebelpon, he insisted coldly, could not be waged with mere "elder squirts, charged with rose water. "他无情地强调,一场镇压大型反叛的战争,不能仅仅使用“原始的吸水笔”(意指用文字)实行。