


网络释义:SQL Server Integrated Services; 集成服务(SQL Server Integration Services)


1.SQL Server Integrated Services  SQL Server Integrated Services(SSIS)平台下,通常一个package运行失败后,经过失败原因的检查和处理,会从头到尾完 整 …

2.集成服务(SQL Server Integration Services) 使用集成服务SSIS); 使用SQL Server导入和导出向导创建包; 使用BCP导入、导出数据; 使用BULK INSERT 命令。


1.And navigation is usually common, so maybe SSIs work for that, as well.导航通常也是通用的,所以SSI也可能适用。

2.The mark option above prevents any changing to those who ask to found a watch afresh is in in SSIS when the examination.上面的标记选项在检查时防止在SSIS中要求重新创建表的任何更改。

3.When a package is saved, SSIS Designer saves the grouping, but the grouping has no effect on package execution.保存包时,SSIS设计器也保存分组,但是分组对包的执行没有影响。

4.The SSIS Designer provides annotations , which you can use to make packages self- documenting and easier to understand and maintain .SSIS设计器提供批注,利用它们可使包自文档化,更易理解和维护。

5.To open SSIS Designer, you double-cpck a package in the SSIS Packages folder in an Integration Services project.若要打开SSIS设计器,请双击IntegrationServices项目中“SSIS包”文件夹中的包。

6.The name provided will be displayed within the Connection Managers area of SSIS Designer.所提供的名称将显示在SSIS设计器的“连接管理器”区域中。

7.Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Integration Services (SSIS) provides tools that make it easy to deploy packages to another computer.MicrosoftSQLServer2005IntegrationServices(SSIS)提供了将包轻松部署到其他计算机的工具。

8.Note that SSIS reserves the right to revise our Fee Schedule due to the fluctuation in currency exchange.备注:由于外汇兑换率的起伏较大,我校将对任何学费变更保留最终解释权。

9.The warning does not appear when you reopen the package in SSIS Designer, if you have run the package at least one time.运行包至少一次之后在SSIS设计器中重新打开包时,将不会显示该警告。

10.Contains procedures for enabpng logging for SSIS packages, for selecting log providers, and for choosing the information to log.包含对SSIS包启用日志记录的过程,选择日志提供程序的过程,以及选择要记入日志的信息的过程。