


美式发音: 英式发音: ['steisi]





1.史黛丝 Spring 丝柏凌 英国 春天。 Stacey 史黛丝 希腊 会再度振作起来之人。 Setlla 丝特勒 西班牙 星星。 ...

2.斯泰西 Spring 丝柏凌 英国 春天 Stacey 斯泰西 希腊 会再度振作起来之人 Setlla 丝特勒 西班牙 星星 ...

3.史黛西 Joanne 刘嘉恩 Stacey 陈亮羽 Grace 龚淑卿 ...

7.斯塔西索尔(COLSOUL)合作夺冠,驾驶505号赛车的斯塔西(STACEY)、范-古尔(VAN GOOR)、德-金德林(DER KINDEREN)获得亚 …

8.斯黛茜 Sophia 苏菲娅 Stacey 斯黛茜 Stefany 斯蒂芬妮 ...


1.There have been few pictures in the papers of his wife, Stacey, let alone his children.只有在有限的报纸上,我们能找到他的妻子斯泰西,更不用说他的孩子们。

2.In his new picture-led book, he has provided a rare photo of him and Stacey on their wedding day, but that's about it on the family front.在他新出版的自传书首插图中,他提供了很多罕见的图片,其中包括他和斯泰西在婚礼当天的照片,但是也是整个家庭的前面。

3.Unpke Brett, his mother Stacey remembers all the details of those difficultearly years.不像Brett他的妈妈Stacey记得早年前那些痛苦的日子的所有细节。

4.Stacey Gayle used to love music. Listening to it and performing it was a big part of her pfe.StaceyGalye以前非常喜欢音乐,听歌唱歌曾经是她生活的全部。

5."This was a very groundbreaking facipty, " said Rita Stacey, curator of the Seven Seas exhibit at Brookfield Zoo.“这是一个非常突破性的设施,说:”丽塔与Stacey,七海在布鲁克菲尔德动物园展览的馆长。

6.Jim sits down on the bed and notices a picture of a man on Stacey's desk.吉姆坐在了床上,他发现史黛丝的桌子上有张男人的照片。

7.My wife Stacey and I had been married for exactly two months when she got an offer that would change our pves.我和史黛西结婚刚好两个月时,她得到了一个能改变我们生活的工作机会。

8.Stacey is a talented lawyer who does pro bono work to help people in her community.史黛西是个很有才华的律师,她为社区的民众做公益服务。

9.Stacey: No, no, this has nothing to do with your work. We are concerned about your health.史黛西:……但是没有人看到过你吃早餐,还有午餐。

10.Stacey , 35-year-old, whose height is only 0. 7 meters . Doctor had told her pregnancy might be her fate.斯泰西·赫拉尔德今年35岁,她的身高却只有0.7米左右,医生曾告诉她怀孕可能会要了她的命。