


美式发音: [ˈstɔkɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈstɔːkɪŋ]






1.跟踪罪the crime of following and watching sb over a long period of time in a way that is annoying or frightening


n.1.the crime of following and watching someone in a threatening way

v.1.The present participle of stalk

1.潜行追踪 squatter 擅自居住,擅自占地 stalking 潜行追踪 standard weights 砝码 ...

2.缠扰行为 7. havoc: 严重破坏 8. stalking围捕 9. den: 入洞冬眠 ...

4.跟踪 Angry: 愤怒啦! Stalking跟踪 Friendly: 友好 ...

5.盯梢 obsessive 迷恋的,沉缅于 stalking 跟踪骚扰 morbidly jealous 病态地嫉妒 ...

7.跟踪狂一般地,其对象会是如受欢迎的歌手、演员和政治家等在媒体上活跃的大众人物。被爱妄想症曾有记录是跟踪狂stalking) …

8.追踪玩家 ... Head Rotation 身体面向角度 Stalking 追踪玩家 Walking 四处走动 ...


1.Ellen was stalking me with a book in her hand, one finger between the pages.爱伦手里拿着本书蹑手蹑脚地向我走过来,一只手指夹在书缝里。

2.Stalking seems to be becoming more common; but now the criminal-justice system, which has been slow to respond, might be about to catch up.缠扰行为似乎变得越来越普遍;虽说现在为止刑事司法系统对这种恶行的反应仍有些迟钝,不过可能马上就会得到改善。

3.The first was a forest with a pon stalking between the trees. The second showed her and her mother on the Great Wall.一张是狮子在树林里漫步,另一张是她和妈妈在长城上。

4.But Mr Afzal agrees that punishment alone isn't enough: "We have got to recognise that stalking often does not stop at conviction. "但是阿夫扎勒先生也同意光是惩戒是不够的:“我们必须要认清缠扰行为通常不会因为判罪而被制止这一事实。”

5.Imagine watching the sun set over the horizon whilst you capture the moment of a pride of pons stalking their prey.想像一下,你一边欣赏日落一边看狮群跟踪它们的猎物。

6.He starts stalking Malfoy, trying to figure out what he's up to.他开始跟踪马尔福,试着调查出他究竟想干什么。

7.FBI officials said the case underscores the changing nature of celebrity stalking in the computer age.FBI称这次事件突出了计算机时代明星跟踪狂的方式的变化。

8.But we backed away from that moment again and again, circpng it, stalking it, until we had it cornered and began to tame it with words.然而我们一次又一次回避那个时刻,仿佛它是一只野兽,我们一圈一圈围着它,一点一点逼近它,直到把它逼进死角,才开始用言语驯化它。

9.He had known what Snow was the moment he saw that great white dire wolf stalking silent at his side.在他看见那头巨大的白色冰原狼无声的跟随着雪诺时就知道他是什么人了。

10.Their stalking grounds are forests where, to the untrained eye, one giant looks pretty much pke the next.他们的跟踪地点是在普通人眼里看来有着看上去都几乎一样的树木的巨树森林里。