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un.1.city in southwestern Connecticut, founded in 1641.

1.斯坦福吧 只看楼主 收藏 回复 共有1页 回复贴:2 还没有百度帐号?

4.州史丹福ewoo)等发动机,选配法拉第(Faraday)、史坦福Stamford )、马拉松(Marathon)、利莱森玛( Leroy Somer )、 M…

6.史旦佛   州内哈特福﹑纽罕文﹑新伦敦(New London)﹑诺瓦克(Norwalk)﹑史旦佛Stamford)﹑ 与瓦特柏利都有交响乐团。在夏 …


1.A number of clubs across Europe are monitoring Makelele's position and are ready to offer him a route out of Stamford Bridge.很多家欧洲俱乐部都在观望马克莱莱的情况,并且已经准备好将他带离斯坦福桥。

2.Meanwhile, Bopvian youngster David Suarez is hoping Chelsea follow up their reported wish to invite him to Stamford Bridge for a trial.同时,玻利维亚的年轻球员大卫苏亚雷斯希望切尔西能够像外界传闻的那样把他带到斯坦福桥。

3.So, I never got to win at Stamford Bridge, but the place was packed and the atmosphere that day was fantastic.所以我从来没有在斯坦福桥赢过,不过球场中挤满了人,那天的气氛是美妙的。

4.He said the free spending at Stamford Bridge would not last for ever.他还说,在斯坦福桥随便花钱的情形不会一直持续。

5."We have an opportunity to turn up with a good performance [at Stamford Bridge], " he said.“我们有一个机会,在斯坦福桥奉献一场好的表现,”他说。

6.The court is now hearing the case of a bank robbery that happened a few months ago in Stamford.法庭现在正在审理几月前发生在斯坦福市的一次银行抢劫案。

7.Connie : Do you know where to go for a breath of fresh air and wide open spaces? Jim Stuart found a place right here in Stamford.康妮:你知道在哪儿能呼吸到新鲜空气,拥有开阔的室外空间吗?吉姆·斯图亚特在斯坦福德这儿找到了这么一个地方。

8.However, Mancini has now revealed that he would be keen on bringing Shevchenko to Inter if he ever wanted to leave Stamford Bridge.但是,曼奇尼现在已经表明一旦舍甫琴柯打算离开斯坦福桥,他很希望将舍甫琴柯带到国际米兰。

9.I wish Stamford were in Capfornia. Imagine a beach right outside the office. Seriously, I'm sorry to hear you're leaving.我希望斯坦福德就在加利福尼亚。想象一下吧,办公室外面就是海滩,那该有多棒。不过说真的,知道你们要走,我很难过。

10.Did you know that people used to call Stamford "The Lock City" ? That's because Yale had its factories here.你不知道人们过去称斯坦福德为“锁城”吗?那是因为耶鲁曾在这里开了锁厂。