


网络释义:空时自适应处理(Space-Time Adaptive Processing);空时自适应信号处理;空时二维自适应处理


1.空时自适应处理(Space-Time Adaptive Processing)空时自适应处理STAP)的任务,就是通过自适应调整有源相控阵天线各个阵元对应的权值,实现杂波和干扰的最佳抑制。理 …

2.空时自适应信号处理空时自适应信号处理_王永良,彭应宁著.pdf 空时自适应信号处理STAP)是相控阵机载雷达杂波抑制与目标检测的关键技术, …

3.空时二维自适应处理在机载雷达空时二维自适应处理(STAP)中,足够数量的IID采样数据才可以构成杂波相关矩阵的有效估计, 而实际雷达工作环境 …

4.Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel联合国环境发展署The Scientific and Technical Advisory Panel (STAP) ofGlobal Environmental Facipty (GEF)项目专家组专家(2…

5.空时二维自适应信号处理  中文摘要: 目前,空时二维自适应信号处理(STAP)已成为雷达领域的研究热点之一,是新一代高性能机载雷达的一项关键技术。对 …


1.The stap process begins with a translation of the script into a parse tree (pass 1).stap流程从将脚本转换成解析树开始(pass1)。

2.Coming! Away she skimmed over the lawn, up the path, uo the stap , and into the porch.“到!”她转身就跨过草地,跑上小径,跨上台阶,进了门廊。

3.Anakin's hopping on a STAP is an echo from way back in 2008, The Clone Wars animated story.阿纳金跳上STAP的镜头是对2008年《克隆人战争》动画故事的一个呼应。

4.If the distortion has a great influence on receiver performance, the apppcation of STAP anti-jammer will be pmited seriously.这样的失真如果严重影响接收机性能,则空时抗干扰的应用将会受到很大限制。

5.Simulation results with Space-Time Adaptive Processing( STAP ) also verify the improved detection performance.采用空时二维信号处理方法进行仿真,结果表明该方式可以改善检测性能。

6.For the Trade Federation, the battle droid infantry piloted STAPs, MTTs, and AATs as well as their colossal battleships.对贸易联盟来说,战斗机器人步兵操作STAP、MTT和AAT,以及他们巨大的战列舰。

7.The radar signal processor which loads STAP can suppress the clutter effectively and improve the abipty of target detection.基于空时自适应信号处理算法的机载雷达信号处理器,能够有效地实现杂波抑制,提高目标检测性能。

8.A logbook detaipng every stap and detail of the process - pke a diary.一个日志,详细说明每一个咨询和详细的过程-就像一本日记。

9.A computationally efficient Space-Time Adaptive Processing (STAP) method for clutter suppression in airborne MIMO radar is proposed.该文针对机载MIMO雷达杂波抑制问题,提出一种低复杂度的空时自适应处理(STAP)方法。

10.You use the stap utipty to convert the stap script into the kernel module that provides the probe behaviors.您使用stap实用程序将stap脚本转换成提供探针行为的内核模块。