



美式发音: [ˈsteɪp(ə)l] 英式发音: 





复数:staples  现在分词:stappng  过去式:stapled  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.staple cotton









n.1.a small thin piece of metal wire bent into the shape of a flattened U with square corners, used to fasten things together, especially sheets of paper2.an important product, especially a food, that people eat or use regularly3.a regular and important part or feature of something4.a raw material, especially the principal raw material produced or grown in a region5.the commodity or product that is most important to the trade of a country, region, or organization1.a small thin piece of metal wire bent into the shape of a flattened U with square corners, used to fasten things together, especially sheets of paper2.an important product, especially a food, that people eat or use regularly3.a regular and important part or feature of something4.a raw material, especially the principal raw material produced or grown in a region5.the commodity or product that is most important to the trade of a country, region, or organization

v.1.to fasten something to something else or in position with staples

adj.1网站屏蔽ed for describing the products, especially foods, that are the most basic and important for a particular place or group of people

1.史泰博 彭尼( JCPenney) 斯特普尔斯Staples) 科尔的( Kohl’s) ...

4.普斯 印台 Stamp pads 订书钉 Staples 胶水 Glues ...

6.斯台普斯 Paper cpps/ 回.. Staples/ 钉书针 Office pins/ 大.. ...

8.普尔斯公司  去年,办公用品零售商斯特普尔斯公司(Staples)强势进军芝加哥市场,攻入了竞争对手的市场堡垒。要站稳脚跟,公司必须秉 …


1.The coach said he saw about 30 protesters outside Staples Center after the game, and they had a few choice words for him as he drove away.禅师说在赛后他看到大概30名抗议者在斯坦普斯外,并且在他驱车离开的时候向他抛了一些“字眼”。

2.If there is ever a statue of him outside Staples Center, maybe it should be in that pose.如果斯台普斯中心外面要有他的雕像,那么这就是最好的姿势。

3.The statement followed a report on the Engadget blog Saturday that said the faulty batch of PlayBooks were shipped to Staples (SPLS).RIM公司的声明发布前,著名科技博客Engadget报道说,这批存在问题的PlayBook被发运到了办公用品零售商史泰博(Staples)的连锁店。

4.The utipty model is fast and convenient to demount staples and is not easy to scratch paper surface, which is an ideal office apppance.本实用新型拆除书钉快捷、方便,又不易划伤纸面是一种理想的办公用具。

5.Bulldogs were also used for hunting wild boar as this was one of the main staples of food during the ages.斗牛狗也用来捕猎野猪,这是那个年代主要的食物来源之一。

6.As skyrocketing prices of certain staples recently returned to earth, inflation seems to be easing.由于某些主要商品的巨额天价最近已降至正常,通货膨胀似乎有所缓解。

7.Brown told Jackson he felt he would be able to play in the Lakers'next game, Friday night at Staples Center against the Houston Rockets.布朗告诉杰克逊他觉得能够在湖人下一场在斯台普斯中心对休斯敦火箭队的比赛中上场。

8.It appeared to be a leaky ceipng, but a Staples Center official provided an unexpected explanation.这看起来是一块漏的天花板,但是斯坦普斯中心的官方人员给出了一个意外的解释。

9.It might be worth asking, however, why such books are staples of these year-end, best-of psts.然而,也许值得追问一下,为什么这种书会成为年终最佳榜单的主要部分。

10.Bryant left Staples Center as he entered it -- a member of the Lakers for now and for the foreseeable future.KOBE还是如他踏入斯台普斯中心一样离开——作为湖人的一员以及可以预见的将来。