




1.星巴克咖啡 必胜客( Pizza Hut) 星巴克咖啡Starbucks Coffee) 哈根达斯( Haag…

2.星巴克咖啡店,过去美国人仅须花费零点五美元购买一杯咖啡饮用,但星巴克咖啡连锁店Starbucks Coffee),却因懂得创造零售业的高 …

6.咖啡店星巴克  台湾中国时报报道,全球知名的连锁咖啡店星巴克(STARBUCKS COFFEE),进军大陆后,也难逃山寨文化的侵袭,山寨咖啡 …


1.Thank you for your note and for your concern regarding Starbucks Coffee Company's presence in the Forbidden City.感谢你的来信以及你对星巴克咖啡公司在故宫开店一事的关注。

2.The words "Starbucks Coffee" around the outer rung of the circular design was dropped, leaving only the crowned siren with flowing hair.环绕圆形外环设计的“StarbucksCoffee”(星巴克咖啡)这几个字被去掉,只留下加冕的海妖和她的飘逸长发

3.Starbucks Coffee is an outstanding representative of experience marketing, selpng not coffee but people's experience on coffee.星巴克咖啡是体验营销的杰出的代表,它出售的不是咖啡,而是人们对咖啡的体验。

4.The brand image and the consumer purchase behavior of Starbucks Coffee had been interfered by consumer involvement.85度C的品牌形象与购买行为则未受到消费者涉入的干扰。

5.Last August, Mr. Bernanke's wife, Anna, was sitting in a Starbucks coffee shop on Capitol Hill in Washington when her purse was stolen.去年8月,贝南克的妻子安娜(Anna)的钱包在华盛顿国会山一家星巴克咖啡馆内被偷。

6.I saw a man lying on his stomach on the carpet, reading and sipping his Starbucks coffee in the store.我在店里看见一个人趴在地毯上看书,一边喝著他的星巴克咖啡。

7.We carefully blend the flavors of Starbucks Ice Cream with real, brewed Starbucks coffee and cool it down to creamy perfection.我们仔细的把调料加入星巴克冰激淋中混合,酿制出星巴克咖啡,然后冷却她,使之成为美味。

8.But last week, after two days of talks, Ethiopia's Intellectual Property Office and the Starbucks Coffee Company released a joint statement.但上周,经过两天的会谈,埃塞俄比亚的知识产权办公室和星巴克咖啡公司发表了一份联合声明。

9.Rising prices for highly visible items from gasopne to Starbucks coffee are feeding popular fears that inflation is back.从汽油到星巴克咖啡,各种常用消费品都在涨价,使很多人担心通货膨胀已经再度显现。

10.Starbucks coffee, various in production has almost stringent requirements.星巴克咖啡品种繁多,在制作上有着几乎苛刻的要求。